Chapter 16

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Frannie's POV

Just go in there, silly. Standing outside this door won't make time go quicker, I told myself as I stood frozen in front of the door to the library. It was a little before three o'clock in the afternoon, the time written on my detention slip. It was my second time of four consecutive days. Just go in, and whether HE'S in there or not, it won't matter. We can't talk in detention anyways. I breathed in deeply and started to turn the handle.

For a moment I thought the fates were happy with me and Gerard decided to ditch, but just as that thought came, it rapidly went away. There he was sitting on a desk facing the wall. All I saw was the side of his face as he face forward, his dark messy hair over his eyes. He didn't even turn to see me come in...maybe Marco Sintes is extra pissed today.

"Take a seat next to Way, Fernandez. And you're one minute and twelve seconds late. You have to stay twice that long after your usual detention time's over. Now sit. And don't look at me, I'm beautiful." Marco Sintes, the hall monitor, said, grumbling the last part to himself. Gerard snorted.

"Silence! And I said sit!" I jumped at his order and sat exactly where he told me to, in the desk facing the wall right next to Gerard's. Oh boy.

I snuck a peek at him from the corner from my eyes. He was still facing forwards, not even acknowledging my presence. I guess I deserve that since the way I've treated him. I can't tell though, if he's mad at me or not. His face...his face is so unreadable.

An idea popped into my head. (Yes! Smart!) Judging from what I had seen in his room, he liked to draw and draw well. He told me he never like it when Mikey tried to draw cause he ended up doing a sloppy job, the time he and his brother walked me home. That he's a perfectionist when it comes to recreating something.

I got a pencil from my bookbag discreetly so that Sintes wouldn't notice. Which he didn't. He was too busy playing DS.

Placing the pencil tip on the desktop, I sneaked a sidelong glance at Gerard to get his attention. Then I started to draw. Badly.

I wrote "Wolverine" at the top of my amateurical drawing. That full on brought his attention. He started tapping his fingers on the desk.

 I drew stick claws on Wolverine's hands. He started humming.

 I started making his hair curly and that's when he snapped.

He took the pencil away from me and erased my creation. He was leaning so close to me I could surprisingly smell coffee. I couldn't help blushing at his close proximity. Luckily, he was intent on fixing my errors.

He was taking his time but I didn't mind. I actually like being this close to him, I admitted to myself. He's so...concentrated on his job. Gerard stuck his tongue out subconsciously as he drew. After a couple of minutes, he leaned back to check his work. He didn't realize that I was smirking. The drawing was crazy beautiful.

"There." He said quietly, giving me the pencil back. He double glanced at me to see if he was actually seeing what he thought he saw. Me? Smiling at him?

"What?" he asked, looking down. Was he...blushing?

"You fell for it, sucker. I knew you'd want to fix it." I replied, still smirking. He remained serious though.

'Hmm. You sure tricked me." He said sarcastically.

Oh man, he's still mad at me. And with good reason, I'm such a burden. I crossed my arms and closed my eyes. This was going to be difficult. Sighing I said,"Okay...I'm sorry. For everything. You were right, I was wrong. Happy now? Are you going to smile for me now?"

He finally looked up at me. And he was smiling! ...Wait, that was quick. Too quick. "I forgive you...Suckee number two." He smirked, his hazel eyes shining.

"What?! You tricked me? You knew I'd apologize? You-"

"Shut it you worthless piece of crustacean!" yelled Marco as he thumb wrestled with the DS.

I glared at Gerard for the rest of the detention. He stayed smiling as if he were enjoying some internal joke I knew nothing about. I was probably the butt of the joke. Sigh.

He took the pencil away from me and wrote on the desk,"Hey," he paused,"would you like to go get some coffee after this?" I looked up in surprise. He was blushing again.

I took the pencil and wrote,"Will you buy?" I smiled.

"No way."

"Then sure, why not. ...Are you still mad at me?"

"Never. You surprised me though. I thought you were still mad at me."

"I had no reason to be." I put my hand on his to show my friendship. We both blushed unknowingly.

When detention for Gerard was over, he promised he'd wait for me outside. I can't believe Marco is making me wait two minutes and twenty'four seconds just because I was late! I drummed my fingers on the desk in anxiety. I have no patience for this.

I looked down and saw our written conversation. I smiled. I'm not going to erase this. Ever. What if in a couple of years pass and this is still here? People would sit in detention and wonder about it. I thought proudly.

"Tomorrow, you guys will be pulling out weeds out in the front yard. So bring something comfortable...I don't know." Marco said as he held the door open for me when detention was officially over.

"Okay. Thank you." I answered nicely.

"Yeah whatever." he grumbled.

I walked out and saw Gerard leaning casually against the wall with one foot up. I walked over and pushed him so he'd lose his balance.

"Watch it!" He laughed,"Hey, that was nice of you. You know, to say 'thank you'."

"Well, he's just doing his job. I mean, he is staying after school because of us. No need to give him a harder time with it." I shrugged.

We stood together silently, both not knowing what to say. He put his hands in his pockets while I swung side to side with my arms crossed. Who will break the silence first?

For a moment I couldn't take the silence anymore so I prepared to say something and it looked like he did too. But at that same exact moment we heard Marco scream,"MORE VANDALISM!?" all the way from the library.

"Looks like he saw your drawing." I said. One look from him and I understood everything he meant to say. We began to run for our lives.

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