Chapter 21

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Gerard's POV

That bastard. That lying, cheating bastard. I'll kill him! I thought spitefully. My heart almost stopped when Frannie looked at me as if searching for answers in my eyes. What could I say? What could I do? I was trapped. Never had I felt so betrayed by my own best friend.

Just yesterday I had told Frank, my best friend need I remind you, exactly how I felt about Frannie. And he has the audacity to stab me in the back and ask her to the dance, in front of me no less! It had been hard enough to confess my secret. I opened up thinking I could trust him. That bastard.

Thursday 3:46 pm

"Hey Frank?" I had started to say while we were both in the middle of a game of Left for dead. It was Thursday in the afternoon. School was over and Frank and I were at his house playing videogames like we always did when we were bored and had homework to do.

He grunted a reply to show that he was listening. That's good, his attention is fully preoccupied with the game. Boy, was I naive.

" know Frannie?"

"Mm-hm. Suck that, zombie! Aah! Don't touch me!"

"Well...I..." I hesitated. What good is it in telling him? He'll just tease me to no end. But I do need someone to confide in, to get this load of stupid butterflies off my chest already.

"Well, I....l-..l-iike...Fr-Frannie. I like Frannie. There I said it. And I think I'm going to ask her to the dance." I blurted, relieved.

"What?" he said immediately, stopping midway from almost shooting me in the game.

"I like Frannie." I couldn't meet his eyes. "Ha, look, I killed you..." I muttered.

"You like Frannie?" he asked incredulously.



"What do you mean 'why'? I just do. It's like math, you can't explain these things."

"Dude, she's not your type."

"What do you know about whether who or what's her type?" I said.

"More than you apparently," he snorted," And it's not 'what's her type', she's not into objects or animals, you idiot."

"Dude, why are you being such a prick? Why are you attacking me?!" I yelled.

"Cause it's a game, you stupid son of a bitch!" Frank bellowed.

"I'm not talking about Left for Dead!" I paused the game. And forced him to look at me. "What's up!? What's wrong with you?"

"I-" he sighed,"I don't know. I don't know what came over me. I just... I don't know. Let's"

*Present: Friday Afternoon at the park.

He had looked like he mean what he said. Now I know he's just a two-faced shitbag. Now I know why he acted that way. The little vulture wanted Frannie all to himself. So he went for it before I did. Well-played, but it's not over.

Now, staring into Frannie's eyes, I prayed with all my might to anyone that might be listening that she would reject him. That she would be thinking about all the fun we had these last couple of days and deny him. Think about everything you told me, Frannie. I thought strongly. Inside, my guts were like molten lava emptying out my body. But on the outside, I was expressionless and frigid. I won't let my opinions influence hers. Here it came.

"Frank I..." she said, turning her attention back at him,"I'd like that." It was like my heart was ripped out of my chest and smashed to pieces.

"Really?" he seemed surprised and glanced at me, seding me an apologetic look. I stayed frozen. No way in hell would I forgive him for this.

"Yeah. definitely." she blushed. For him. I thought she only blushed for me.

We stayed under the ancient sycamore tree in the middle of my childhood's park. Mikey and Frannie were deep in conversation about some weird soap opera, neither noticing Frank's and my silence. I could feel his eyes trying to steal a glance at me but I pretended to be interested in the blades of grass at my feet.

Eventually Frannie said,"Hey guys, it's getting dark out so I'm gonna head home. Big day tomorrow." she sighed and then said quickly, "Uhh, for my sister's art exhibition. So, see ya." She got on her bike and waved. When I didn't wave back, she frowned at me. She shook her head and rode off.

It was scarily quiet in the park as soon as she left. Without thinking, I stood up straight.

"Gerard, man, could we tal-" His sentence was cut midway as I punched him square in the jaw. I could feel his jawbones moving under my fingers. My hand was throbbing when I pulled back.

He didn't say anything. He glared at me as he wiped his face with his knuckles. He laughed humorlessly. Then suddenly his face contorted with rage as he lunged at me. We wrestled with each other until we were on the ground. I threw punches at him at every possible angle I could ge of him while he mimicked my movements. Blow by blow, we didn't stop. I was sweating and my muscles were cramping but I didn't want to be the first one to quit. Mikey stared in horror, his feet glued to the ground.

Finally, he seemed to have come to his senses as he approached us carefully. Then he catapulted elbow-first on top of us. He was about to get serious whoopin' if he thought he'd break us apart. "Guys, quit it! You'll kill each other!" he said.

"Not a bad idea, Mikey." I said, twisting Frank's arms back.

"Yeah, Way, maybe then you'll get out of my...WAY." Frank said as he twisted my wrist, escaping my grip on his hands.

"You're an idiot." I yelled.

"Well, you hit like a girl! Wait, you are a girl!" he yelled back. We continued to wrestle even with Mkey in between us. Eventually Frank couldn't take it anymore and stood up.

"You know what? This is pointless and a waste of my time. You know why? Cause Frannie's going to the dance with me." he said.

"Yeah, cause you cheated." I glared.

"Okay, fine! I didn't tell you I liked her. Big fucking deal. But even if I did, that still doesn't change the fact that she said 'yes'. I didn't make her do that. I didn't 'cheat' for her answer. You're just bitter she likes me better than you, Way."

I scoffed,"Yeah right. She just felt sorry for you. She's too nice to reject you in front of everyone. If you knew her as well as I do, you would've realized that."

"I won. You lost. Get over yourself. You're embarrasing."

I growled. "Wanna take this indoors, bitch?"

"Gerard! She doesn't like you!" Frank yelled in exasperation,"Why can't you take it like a man!? She said 'yes' to me. Not to you. So back off." He turned around, gave me the finger, and headed towards the park's exit. I had half a mind to follow him and blow his brains out but I could barely move. My body was aching all over.

"Fine, quitter! Quitter! Cheater! Cheeeeater!" I bellowed until my voice got hoarse. I didn't notice Mikey laying on the grass next to me. He looked on the brink of uncosciousness.

"Mikey." I shook his body.

"Hmm." He swatted my hands away and rolled over. "Lemme alone, you."

"I'm sorry, man. I shouldn'tve let you get in between us." I sighed, running a hand through my tousled hair.

"Don't talk to me."

"Are you mad at me? I'm sorry, Mikes. Please, don't be mad."

" hurts to talk." he muttered,"shhh."

     Ruffling through the contents of my pocket, I pulled out a joint and a lighter. Inhaling the tranquilizing effects of marijuana, I could already feel my pain residing. I laid back down with my hands behind my head, staring up at the darkening sky. I wished madly that everything Frank said wasn't true.

~~~~~~Please, comment! I like reading comments ^_^ Feedback meeee...talkk to meeee...please! I ain't desperate! Hehe...he.

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