Chapter 10

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My breath was coming in quick short bursts and my hands were shaking in a fidgety manner. I wiped the sweat forming on my forehead and looked beside me at Gerard. I nearly had to squint to be able see him in this cramped dark closet. He was equally unsettled as I was yet he tried not to show it as much. He sent me a quick reassuring smile before assuming his former stance, that of serious concentration. All of our deeds were done and all that was left was being able to escape unscathed. But right now, luck wasn't by our side. This was tedious work and it did not require second thoughts at this moment. It's too late to go back now. We should've thought of that before we bought the dozen rolls of toilet paper, shaving cream bottles, and hair dye. Gerard's childlike inspiration: the movie Big Fat Liar.

After we had formulated the plan back at the park we had decided quickly what supplies we needed to carry it out. We went to the local supermarket and pooled in our allowances. Why I agreed to such a dangerous plan escapes me but I guess truthfully, I did it for Gerard. 

Once we were in the supermarket, local residents that were shopping in the store sent curious glances our way as we moved suspiciously and stealthily. And as we yelled to each other from across the aisles.

"Fran, which color hair dye should I get!?" Gerard yelled.

"I don't know! Which one would look uglier? And don't call me Fran! You make me sound old!"

"Fine, Franky, Lady Gaga blonde it'll be!" I felt like the air was knocked out of me. I hadn't thought about my Frankie or the rest of my family since this morning. I feel like I've betrayed them for that. I quickly blinked away the tears that were forming and breathed deeply. Come on, this is definitely not the time to be thinking about what happened no matter how much like scum I would be for thinking so.

"How many shaving cream bottles?" My voice cracked.

He stopped examining the hair dyes and glanced at me with a concerned look. I looked away for fear of breaking down right then and there. Thankfully he seemed to be srruggling with whether he imagined it or not. " 'bout two?" he frowned.

"Awesome. you know since you're the guy and the one who came up with all of this, you should be the one to pool in more than half of the amount." I forced a smile.

He seemed to look past my fake smile but then said,"Not a chance, princess."

We then went to go get the toilet paper and then ended up hitting each other with the bags and racing towards checkout. The cash register lady didn't seem too pleased to see us. "What do ya'll need so much toilet paper for?" she asked. Gerard and I both shared a look of complete and utter blankness.

"Well, you see, miss. My dog is gravely sick and in need of an operation." I stalled.

"Really?" said both Gerard and the cash registriant(if that's a word). "What does that have to do with toilet paper?" he asked before I silenced him with a glare.

"Yes, he's got shitititus.Severe case of explosive diarrhea and respiratory problems while secreting gaseous liquids out the navel." I answered seriously.

"Oh my! That's terrible! I hope your dog gets better soon, honey. tsk,tsk,tsk. That's no good. I remember my puppy had suffered the same fate when I was a mere child. I do hope all goes well." the lady said with genuine worry.

"Thank you m'am." I answered politely. Gerard stared perplexed from me to the lady and back to me again.

When she was done we grabbed all the groceries and ran all the way to the parking lot. I dropped my bags and started laughing.

"What the heck happened back there, Frannie?" He asked confused. "Don't tell me you made that up."

"How clueless can you be? Of course it isn't a disease! Shit-ti-ti-tus? Come on?" I laughed.

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