Chapter 26

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 "Oh, Bob, Ray, you guys look terrible." I said, raving my eyes over their injured bodies. Frank, Gerard, Mikey and I had made it to Frank's house where Bob and Ray had been left to rest while we were looked for.

"No kidding, those jerks made sure not to leave anything out..." Gerard muttered. He was clenching his hands into fists. Ray was sprawled on the living room sofa with a frozen bag of vegetables held to his bruised face. Bob was lying across the coffee table. Either he felt uncomfortable sharing the sofa with Ray or he was too weak to even reach it.

I glanced at Gerard impulsively and caught him looking away from me quickly. I could see the faint traces of a smile on his face; thus making my insides squirm with butterflies.

"Okay, talk. What happened exactly?" Mikey demanded. I stared in surprise at his sudden commanding aura. (Go, Mikey!)

Ray groaned. "We were just-" He hesitated and looked at Bob.

Bob shrugged and said, "Dude, right now, I could care less. I'm past the point of feeling anything at the moment. Tell 'em."

"Well, Bob and I were, uh...following?...uhh...this girl.."

"I think the word you're looking for is 'stalking'." Gerard said cooly. He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

"Yeah," Ray blushed, "We saw this really hot girl at the park and we just wanted to try to get to know her. And we didn't know that was Mikayla, one of the jock's girlfriends. So there we were, in a bush, gathering up the courage to go and talk to her when Andy's friend Mike surprises us from behind."

Bob looked up from the table and continued the story, "Yeah, then the prick called his friends and beat us up. The end." And then he slumped his face on the table again.

"Well, you can't say you don't deserve it, you creepy stalkers." Mikey said but then stuttered,"Uh, nevermind" when he saw the looks of outrage on our faces.

"They are dead. We've gotta get back at them!" Frank growled.

"How the heck, Frank? We'll just end up squashed like total losers." Mikey whined.

"Hey!.....oh, fuck it. He's got a point." Ray sighed. He groaned and rubbed his head.

"Ray, Bob, do you guys want anything? I'd be happy to get it." I offered.

Ray started to say, "Aww, thanks, Frannie. But we can't just take advantage of you-"

"Could you get me a blanket, more ice, coffee, and some chocolate for the pain?" Bob said. Ray shook his shaggy head in disbelief.

"Sure, thing, Bob. Just...stay put. I'll be right back." And I left giving Ray a wink, dragging Frank along with me. Maybe it was my imagination, but for a second before leaving the room with Frank, I think Gerard gave him a look of...jealousy.

Yes, I know. The right thing for me to do is go to Gerard and clarify. I have no feelings whatsoever for Frank and that there is no way that Gerard should be jealous of him. But then again, seeing his aggravated look has made me quite giddy. To think that Gerard, Gerard fucking Way would ever get jealous for me is mind boggling. I can't believe this one bit. I think it's rather quite adorable.

"So Frank, where do you keep your bed stuff?" I asked. I turned around to face him and realized we were still holding hands.

He let go and blushed. "Over here. Follow me." He said and led the way. We walked through the hall in the first floor of his house until we reached a walk-in closet. We both stepped inside. Frank rummaged through the shelves for the pillow and blankets.

"So I haven't seen anyone else in the house besides us? Where is everyone?" I asked while being given blankets to hold while he looked for the right one.

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