Chapter 3

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Skates POV
"Skate hurry the fuck up!" Jack j calls from outside the bathroom, I roll my eyes and ignore him and continue to fix my hair.

"Skate at least let me in" Jack j pleads, I groan but unlock the bathroom door. He walks in and puts a hand on his hip and narrows his blue eyes at me.

"I've been waiting twenty-three minuets because you were fixing your hair?!" Jack j says angrily, I smile and nod.

"Bitch." He mutters taking his hand off his hip and leans against the sink, "Twink" I say back, he glares at me.

"I'm am not a twink thank you very much." He says rolling his eyes, I chuckle, "Whatever helps you sleep at night princess" I say looking at JJ . He blushes when I call him princess and I grin.

"Is someone blushing" I tease reaching my had over to pinch his now light pink cheek, he smacks my hand away and mumbles incoherent words.

"Shut up and hurry, we don't have all day." He grumbles and stomps out the bathroom and closes the door.

I laugh to myself and look in the mirror once more, "Flat hair.." I say readjusting my hair so that it's flat and pressed against my forehead, "Quiff.." I say quietly and moving my hand making a somewhat quiff.

"Do the flat hair and get out the Mother fucking bathroom!" Sadie yells from the other side of the door, "Flat hair it is." I say and flatten my hair and put on my SnapBack.
"And then he called her a whore.." Cassidy said leaning against a locker talking to Sadie, you could tell Sadie took no interest into what Cassidy was saying but overall she knew how to Respond even if she tuned her out earlier into the conversation.

"Wow I cannot believe he did that." Sadie Says blankly, she looks at me and mouths 'what the hell is she talking about' and I give my friend a simple shrug.

"I know right but I have to go, I promised Mrs. Green that I would go to class early to help her out." She said and she takes off down the hall and disappears around the corner.

Cassidy was a nice girl, she was bubbly and talkative. She loved adventuring and she absolutely loved school. She was also known to gossip here and there but honestly she never really cared what happened, she just liked finding a reason to talk to someone.

Now Cassidy used to like Sadie more than just a friend but soon her feelings drained and she is dating this outcast girl named Daniel.

Cassidy and Daniel and polar opposites, Cassidy loved super bright colors and she was always happy and she always found a way to make someone happy. Daniel liked darker colors now she does like her pastel time to time but to her no color is better than black, she never talked much and she liked staying inside and reading. Daniel was only an outcast because she was basically mute, always dyed her hair and smoked and drunk anything she could get her hands on.

Daniel was a shy, Tumblr like girl but she is also a secretive and dark person, she grew up in a bad environment and I guess that made her who she is today.

"Where is Daniel?" Cameron asked, Daniel hasn't showed up to school in about four days but since she didn't have parents that worried no one called to file a missing persons report, now we knew she was fine. Cassidy talked to her everyday on the phone and I guess Daniel isn't feeling well if she doesn't want to show up.

"Probably sick literally or she is sick of school." I reply, Sadie snickered.

"I'm sick both ways" Sadie remarked and I laughed slightly. "So you and Mr. Wilkinson.." Trevor said, "No we did not have kinky teacher on student sex, no blow jobs, nothing sexual of that manner happened. It was simply because my grades were dropping." I say knowing all their question  that they were going to ask were sexual.

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