Chapter 7

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So I still don't feel well, and it is 4 or 5 am already so... I decided lets use my energy to write a chapter for you lovely people. And thanks for the super nice comments last chapter, I felt better just reading them. :') <3 - Fantasy


Skate's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, I groaned weakly moving my body to punch the stupid alarm clock. I was upset, I spent my weekend doing nothing, and by nothing, I mean partying.

I had a huge fucking hangover and my stomach was in knots. My head was pounding, I never felt so unmotivated, sick and tired in my whole lifetime, well, this Monday.

"Skate! Get up fatass!." I hear my mom shout  from downstairs, I open my eyes and glare at my door as if I could imagine her downstairs with a big ass grin on her face laughing at herself as she tells herself how lazy I am.

"Skathan maloley!." My mom called annoyance lacing in her voice, "I'm going mother, goddamn. Give me twenty minutes!." I shouted back.

"You have thirty minutes before your first period starts, get. Up." I just groan in response and flip again making me stop onto my soft rug I had put there a while back, I tend to fall off my bed sometimes and it was irritating and painful since I didn't have a cushion to just fall on.

I push myself up and sit on my knees for a second feeling slightly sick and lightheaded from moving so fast, my eye sight came back a bit. I grabbed my glasses, that I abso-fucking-lutely hated wearing, but I was way to tired to put in my contacts.

I felt a twist in my stomach and I run to the bathroom vomiting in my toilet, I grab the toilet lid to balance myself as I felt another wave of nausea hit me and I leaned over the bitter acid-y liquid pushing itself up my throat and out my mouth into the strangely cold toilet water.

"I told you not to drink so much yesterday night skathan." A voice tsk'd making me jump, I wipe my mouth with a washcloth that was laying on my sink.

I glare at my mother weakly, "can I skip school please? I feel sick and have the worst fucking headache ever." I plead. She taps her chin.

"Okay how about this, if you feel super sick in and can't tolerate it anymore, go to the nurse and call me. But if you start to feel better you have to go through the whole school day." She says leaning her body against the doorframe.

I mentally roll my eyes and sigh, I nod and then turn around throwing up into the toilet again.

"Take a shower, and wash out your mouth with salty water, don't swallow though, it isn't Mr. Wilkinson's sperm." She remarks giving me a quick wink setting a small plastic cup and a small jar of salt on my large bathroom sink before walking out my room closing both doors behind her.

I flush the toilet and do as she says, I scrunch my face at the disgusting salty taste flowing through my mouth. But at least the acid was gone and over with.

I hate throwing up. I fucking hate. It.

I turn on my shower and seconds later step in, my whole body begins to relax and I start humming tunes of songs that have been playing lately.


I walk into school, my backpack dangerously close to dropping off my slumped shoulder. I sigh and roll my eyes seeing the 'I think I'm better than everyone' group give me disgusted looks which I returned giving the the finger.

They girls flip their hair and the guys simply scoff at me and turn back the each other talking about some shitty shit that I honestly, did not give a fuck about.

As I turn around several corners in the halls bumping and flicking people off as I go,  I finally inhale the weed and bubble gum smell that flows through the hallway, the hallway of outcast, smokers, mid-popular's, the stuck up's, the slut's and man whores and most importantly, the insane rebel basically everybody combined group, my group.

I stride through the people filled hallway gaining glares and looks of Concern as I pad by the groups, Cameron was the Iraq to see me and gave me a slight horrified but concerned look.

"Are you okay?." He asked looking at me up and down, I bite back my words and simply nod when in reality, I wasn't.

I mean first, I had a fucking bad hangover and two, Cameron was looking fine as hell.

Like holy shit, too much sexiness to process in such little time.

"He- holy shit balls." Jack pauses in his sentence as his eyes wander to my drowsy sick eyes, "ar-are you high? Do you have a hangover? Why did your mom let you come to school." He panicked. He was basically my second mother, always telling me what I can and cannot do, who and what is good for me, always is concerned when I become or look sick and always rambles about how I should stop drinking so much on Sunday's.

"If you are going to drink on Saturdays and Sunday's at least -" I cover his mouth. "I should at least drink more on Saturday's so I wouldn't be so sick or tired in school day's" I mimic.

"I don't sound like that you twat!." He exclaims his blue eyes narrowing at me, and it kinda felt as if he was staring in my soul.

"Aye muhtafuckas." Trevor and Kian call, and being honest, Kian look basically exactly like me. His hair was messy, he was slouching slightly, bags under his dull eyes and just straight up looked fucked up. But he took it better than any of us did, strangely.

"Hey bitch. I haven't seen your pale - tan ass forever dude." Cameron said fist bumping Kian, "you and Matt eh?." I ask wiggling my eyebrows.

"I'm like his bitch now, it is a weird thing to get used to but it's nice literally being the teachers pet." Kian said looking at the dull grey ceiling.

"Lawley! You need to help me with my papers." Matthew or Mr. Espinosa said arching his perfect eyebrow at Kian, he looked at me and winked before looking back at Kian who simply nodded a smirk on his face.

They walked off to the other hall and I simply smirked watching the two horny fucks leave my Sight.

"They are so gonna fuck." Trevor says, JJ nods and smirks and Cameron just shakes his head turning to his locker to tab a book or something out of it.

He had a big crush on Kian but Kian never exactly noticed, be only noticed when he was sober and steady. Not high and drunk off his pasty white ass. It hurt Cameron and he never did get over it but Kian cared - shit still does care about Cameron, cameron is still single because anyone who has ever tried to be with came orb either ended up missing, beaten almost to death, dead or they became scared to go around Cameron and Us Anymore.

Even though Kian barley hung out in the group filled halls, he knew everything and anything that went down, will go down or may go down in our high school, sometimes it was scary.


So this isn't exactly a chappie but I'm not feeling it, I'm over heated, sick and slightly lightheaded. So yea 💓 luv you penguins

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