Chapter 18

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I felt the tears fall down my cheek making me whimper, the tears making my cut burn.
Stewart rolls his eyes at me throwing another punch at my jaw.

I let out a loud Yelp as I hold my face, "Stewart!." A voice hissed, he turns around, "What Mendes!." He growled.

"They know our location, we have exactly ten minuets to leave or we are screwed." The guy or Mendes said, nervousness and anger clear in his voice.

"Shit.." Stewart muttered, he looks at me and smirks, "we are good, as long as skate stays quiet we won't have any problems." He chuckled darkly.

My eyes widen, I back away slowly tears threatening to wall. I gulped, panic quickly building up. I wanted to make a dash for it but I couldn't, mendes was right there. I was screwed.

"Mendes go make sure they don't get in, alright?." Stewart demands, mendes nods closing the door walking back up the stairs.

I let out a small whimper as he walks closer to me, "Pl-Please don't hur-hurt me." I choke out, the hot salty tears started rushing down my face, burning the cuts that were made on my face from his punching.

He pouts for a quick second before snickering, "oh please, you think you're stuttering will get you anywhere?. Well it won't, never has." He hisses causing me to flinch.

He looks around the dusty basement before his eyes linger on something in the car right corner.

A knife.

I look up at him my vision slightly blurred due to the tears. I wipe my tears away and start panicking when He starts walking torwards the knife.

He grabs it and places his finger top on it, twirling it around. He started laughing quietly, his laugh sounded creepy.

His laugh was monotone but it was deep and raspy, his eyes were full of burning hatred as he looks at me from across the room. I whimper and back away but to his luck, I couldnt, He was near the door so i couldn't run. He was walking closer, my eyes watering again, my vision because blurry but I quickly wipe the tears away.

He stood in front of me and stabs the wall beside my head causing me to flinch.

"Such a shame I have to get rod of such a pretty boy like you." He says. As he pulls the knife out the wall and pushes the blade on my throat the door opens.



:) sorry for the long wait but I tried.

I'm sorry this is shitty

Peace and love


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