Chapter 4

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A/n your gonna get an outlook on their mornings bc why not?

Sammy's POV

Honestly saying I was impressed was an understatement, these students had amazing skills, some better than others but overall most were amazing.

But a certain someone's painting was on my mind still even after three days, skate's.

There was something about his painting that just fascinated me, i have only been teaching for possibly a week now and he easily painted the picture as if it was nothing.

Now Daniel had talent aswell as Trevor, cameron, Jack j, sadie, Kayla, misty, kaden and others. But no ones drawing/painting looked so, damn what's the word.... Perfect.

It was perfect, a masterpiece too. Something about skate intrigued me to get to know him more, I got ahead of myself five days ago when I stare red hardcore flirting with him along in my classroom but whatever.

I kinda just lay in bed, today was Friday. I was happy and very very thankful, if I had to look at skate for another day is probably fuck him on my desk and that wasn't a good thing.

I lay flat on my back, staring up at my mint ceiling, mint was a calming color which is why I painted my room that color.

I still love with my parents, well mom but she is still a parent.

I toss my legs over the edge of the bed and sit up, I place my elbow just a little bit above my knees and I put my head in my hands.

I felt as if I was going to school all over again, I hated them feeling. I don't know what's worse, waking up early or going to a big ass school having to see over thousands of student throughout the day who either wont shut up, are super fucking horny, or just simply are quiet which honestly scared the shit out of me.

I walk to my closet and pick a outfit and groan and complain on my two and a half minuet walk to my bathroom, I turn on the water and wait for it to warm up.

I always woke up early, I was stuck in a routine, wake up at six thirty, leave at seven fifteen, be there by seven-twenty to seven-'twenty-five, teach at eight and so on.

God why is high school so difficult.

Skate's POV

Kian and Trevor are passed out on a big chair, Sadie was half asleep and half awake watching Tom and jerry, Jack j was curled into a ball wrapped up in a blanket doing something on his phone and Cameron was laying his head on my shoulder as we watch Tom and jerry.

It wasn't a eventful morning, well, it never was an eventful morning in my household.

My mom had left for work about thirty or so minuets ago, my dad is on a vacation with his friends back in Omaha, it got quite lonely since me and my mother never really talked.

When I got home she had to leave, when I woke up she was getting ready to leave and then when she wakes up or she isn't busy than I have to go somewhere.

It was upsetting, my mother worked several jobs to help around the house, my dad worked as an accountant for some bullshitty business that I don't really care about.

I always had a friend over to keep my company, it hurt when u didn't hang out with my family even if I hung out with them for at least five minuets I would be thankful but nope, no happy family time for skathan.

Kian groaned and slowly but surely opened his eyes, we are all in my room, you'd think we were in the living room since I had a chair and things like that but having a mother who works six jobs at a time and having a father who is an accountant to a law firm or whatever the business was comes in handy.

I was not spoiled, I myself had a job, no one really knew because no one asked.

Kian's eyes move down slightly to look at the still sleeping Trevor that is held a tight grip onto Kian. Kian didn't mind the grip or the fact his best friend was laying on his bare chest.

Kian ran his fingers through Trevor's hand and smiled softly before looking at me and Cameron, he wiggles his eyebrows at the sight and Cameron flicks him off never taking his eyes off the TV screen.

"Someone isn't a happy camper" Sadie sang, her voice wasn't loud but was soft and quiet trying not to disturb Trevor from his peaceful slumber.

Kian snickered and Jack j simply shook his head and continued staring at his screen.

"Are you ever going to stop staring at your phone as if it saved you from falling into a lava pit?" Sadie joked, it was a weird and confusing joke but it was still kinda funny.

Kian lets out a laugh before covering his mouth, "JJ stop looking at his phone? Oh please, he'd kill every single human being on this earth just to go on tumblr for not even five minuets." Cameron said earning a scowl from the blonde, but it was true.

Jack j could not under any circumstances go anywhere without his iPhone, it was his second life. Shit probably his first, he was on it at least 17 hours a day.

He only stops when it is something important or he got his phone taken Away because it was a distraction.

Jack j lost three phones because of getting distracted by his cell, which is why I was moved to every class Jack j had in order to make sure he didn't use his cell phone during class.

Yea, it was that bad. He has a problem that he doesn't, wouldn't and never will admit to.

Trevor opens his eyes and closes then seeing everyone already awake, he obviously was not in the mood.

His hand reached in his back pocket and he opened his eyes and unlocked his phone and groaned throwing his cell phone on the couch across from him, which luckily is empty.

It landed in the cousin with a soft thud and Trevor bury's his face in the crook of Kian's neck.

"What's wrong?" Sadie ask, Trevor moved his head so you could see his pale complexion, "it's only six thirty five" he groaned and Kian groaned as well.

"we don't have school for the next hour or two" Kian says closing his eyes.

I shake my head at the two over dramatic teenagers, "you've basically had this routine since you started middle school" I say shaking my head, middle school started about seven forty five, high school started at eight -- eight fifteen.

"I want food" Jack j said looking at me, "me too!" Sadie yelled, I roll my eyes.

"And why are you telling me?" I ask, "because you make really really good pancakes" Jack j said.

After a few more minuets of begging u sit up and walk to the kitchen, "this better make them shut up" I mutter to myself.

Alright so this is shitty I sowwy but my mom left to Louisiana and I kinda got sad so I fell asleep, I would've updated sooner but then I took a shower and I fell asleep again.

Oops 😂

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