Chapter 11

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Lunch as come and all you can hear are rumors. They are just crazy and ridiculous rumors. I even heard that Ryan is really a convict who escape from jail to and he is here to kill us all. That Brandon was on drugs. Pretty crazy huh? They said that was the only reason they would have ever help me. Some people who used to bully me no ignore me guess that better. Well is only been a few hours... Ryan, Roxan and I were headed to the lunch room. I took a good look at Roxan. She was beautiful. Her brown hair was down and it was curl at the end. She had a white tank top, green skirt that ended two inches above her knees, a cute brown belt and some brown boots. Roxan wasn't skinny, but I am not saying she fat. Oh no she have curves. She has an hourglass figures, or guitar as she calls it. She is an eye catcher. She is beautiful as ever. Then I look at Ryan. I took a look he had his square glasses like always covering his beautiful blue eyes. One of his blue eyes was bruise under it from the punch Alexander gave him. I look at his shirt that said "Hello" kind of plain but it fits him. He looks down at me and smile. I just blush and look away.

We finally got to the lunch table and we sat down. I look at what supposed to be meatloaf and poke it with my fork. It looks more like dog food…I look at Roxan and she is eating what it looks like delicious chicken wings. She smile at me and said.

“They are leftover from yesterday dinner. Mamá si que cosina bueno! (Mother really cooks well)!” Roxan said as she continues to eat her chicken wings. I smile a little and look at my food I shrug and eat it…Well not poison.

"Hey, can I sit with you guys?" I look up to see Brandon with a hopeful expression. I look at Roxan and Ryan who just shrug and I gave Brandon a short nod. He smile and sat down next to Roxan. I kept eating the 'meatloaf'.

"Hey girl, have you painted or draw anything new?" Roxan ask munching on her chicken wings. I blush as I remember the portrait I was working off. The one of Ryan and me; which I haven't touched since I started it.

I gave her a shrug and kept looking down.

"I'm working on something." I said simply.

 "Uh uh uh! I wanna see it! I wanna see it!" Roxan yell excited jumping in her chair. Ryan look at her and laugh. I chuckle at his kinda deep but contagious a laugh that warns your inside and you couldn't help smiling or laughing along.

 "When is done Roxan..." I mumble lightly.

 She pouts and then continues munching on her chicken. I laugh at her childish attitude. No matter how old Roxan acts her always going to be a kid at heart.

"Hey Roxan! How Joseph?" I said remembering the crash that just happened recently

That when she started whining.

"Oh for the love of God! Me esta haciendo la vida imposible, es como un infierno en mi propia casa!(He making my life impossible, is like hell in my on home)" Roxan said rubbing her face.

"Um...what did she say?" Brandon asks confused. That when Roxan started to mumble. “Este estupido me conoce desde los nueve años y no ha aprendido nada" (This stupid kid know me since we were nine and he hasn't learned anything) She than scoff. "Idiot"

"I am not an idiot if I can’t understand Spanish!" Brandon said glaring at Roxan.

"She said Joseph is making her life a living hell." I said fastly to avoid a fight between them.

"It doesn't make you an idiot but it make you selfish!" Roxan growls at him. Oh no...Let it go Brandon of this will get ugly. I thought as I saw anger flash in her eyes.

"I'm not going to argue with a spoil brat." Brandon said and continues eating.

"Cabrón!" (Bastard) I started coughing and choking on my food when Roxan said that. My eyes widen and I look at her. She gave me a small smirk and then shrug. That is a very bad word from where she came from. Ryan look at me worry and started rubbing my back.

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