He's The Beauty And I'm The Beast

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*Edited by Aleeza Suarez

I wake up and the first thing I see is my face. I have red hair, green eyes, a small nose and straight white teeth. I sound beautiful, don't I?

WRONG! I have an ugly and horrible scar all over my face. That made me look like a monster, like a beast.

One time I was in the park where there were children playing around and one of them saw me and yelled: “Monster!”. The little boy went crying over to his mother. The women in the park then started screaming at me for coming in a public place looking like this. I just turned away and ran home while tears were running down my face. When I got home I started sobbing in my pillow; it was my first day in public since what happened and they already think I am a monster.

My family tried to figure out what happened but I decided not to tell them. Why? I don't know. Maybe I felt ashamed of myself for being like this.

My older brother for nine minutes. Yes, we are twins, but we look totally different. He is 6'4 when I'm 5'5, he has hazel eyes when I have green eyes, and he has brown hair when I have long red hair. Not to forget my face has an ugly scar that covers half of my face from the attack.

It has been three years since the attack and I still have nightmares. My family doesn't know what really happened that day. Do I ever regret what I did? No! Will I do it again if I could turn back in time, knowing what will happen to my life? Yes!

What my family thinks that happened that day...

"Hey Bella do you mind if Nick gives you a ride home or could you wait until my football practice is over so we can walk together?”,my brother ask.

I look up at Nick and it gave me the shivers. He is very creepy, so that is a total no, and I can't wait for Brandon to finish. I got a lot of homework to do.

"No I will just walk... see you later." I hug him and he kisses the top of my head.

"Be careful and call me if you need anything."

I nodded and started walking.

I kept walking but I had this gut feeling that something wasn't right so I called my brother.




"Hey sis I can't talk right now, I am going out with some friends. Can you tell mom and dad?"


"Thanks! See you later."

"Wait-" He already hang up and I kept walking but the feeling didn't went away.

That is when I saw him and froze. He had a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, standing over a little girl, six or seven years old maybe and all bloody.

He looked up and saw me.

"Oh...girl you are here at the wrong place and at the wrong time. Unfortunate for you because now you have to die." He then laughed bitterly. I did what any 16 year old would do in this situation... I ran. He started chasing me and grabbed me. I started kicking and screaming at him to let me go. Every time I did that he will cut my face. I had cuts,blood and bruises all over my face, neck and body. Then everything went black.

That is what my family thinks that happened...or so I told them. Want to know what really happened? Then to bad because I don't feel like talking about it now!



I wasn't popular but I had my good friends. HAD is the keyword.They left me because they couldn't handle the bullying. Only Roxan stayed with me, saying and I quote, "Girl you are beautiful inside and out. Don't let those assholes sour your life." She has brown skin,plump red lips, caramel eyes and jet black hair. She is kinda ghetto but she is my best friend. Well my only one.

I don't blame the other ones for leaving. I knew that sometimes it was too much to handle ,so it was easier to just leave me. Every time I tell Roxan to leave me ,so she can have more friends ,her answer is always the same:"Girl why would I want another friend if I have a perfect one right here? ¿Es que eres bruta o te haces?”(Are you dumb or what?)

Yeah, she is latin from Puerto Rico. She came to live here when she was nine and we have been best friends since that.

Now let's talk about my brother. He changed since the attack. He was sweet, caring and over protective. Now he is mean, selfish and a complete jerk.

Now that you know a little about me, is time to tell you my story.

I'm sitting now in my math class drawing while the others finished their work. I was drawing,um...I don't really know how to explain it. It was my face without the scars but instead it had cracks all over it. My eyes didn't have emotion but if you see deep enough you could see sadness and fear. My mouth was in a frown and you can see that I was uncomfortable. We were already three months in school. I kept drawing when the teacher call my attention:"Miss Bella?"

"Yes?” I answer with my head down.

"What is the answer to problem number three?"


"Good now class..." I ignore her and kept drawing. I kept looking at the picture and realized something was missing. Then an idea came to my head. I grabbed my school bag and took a green color pencil and started to color my eyes. The bell ranged and I ran out of class. When I got to my lockers I got pushed by some football player.

"Look where you are going Scarface!"

"¿Por que no miras por donde vas tu hijo de perra!" (Why not watch where you're going you son of a bitch!) Here comes my best friend to the rescue! I really love her and all but I don't want her to get in trouble.

"This is America speak English."the jerk replied.

"No es mi culpa si eres un idiota." (It's not my fault that your an idiot) The look on his face was priceless; he look so confused. I could not hold it anymore. I started laughing and Roxan saw me with a WTF look when I pointed at his face she started laughing too. I saw my brother with a small smile and amusement in his eyes. When he saw me looking at him his eyes turned hard and his face turn into a scowl.

'WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING?" His face was red with rage. Let's just say red is so not his color.

"Your face." Roxan answered because I was to busy laughing. That is when he smiled and turned around to face me.

"I don't know what you're laughing about because I prefer to have a funny face than to look like a beast." I stopped laughing and he smirked. My eyes turned cold. I learned how to hide my emotions so they don't see how much their words hurt. I looked up at the jerk then at my brother who flinched.

I grabbed Roxan and went to lunch. It was pizza day in the cafeteria. So I picked two slices of cheese pizza and went to sit at the table.

"Gracias chica."(Thanks girl.)

"It was nothing but Bella you have to start defending yourself."

"Why would I defend myself if they are telling the truth. I am nothing more than an ugly beast and there is nothing I can do about it."

"Cuantas veces te lo tengo que decir; NO ERES FEA .(How many times do I have to tell you; you are NOT ugly.) but you are stupid!"

" Well I-" I was cut out when a pizza slice landed on my face.

"Look the beast looks better now.'' Someone yelled. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I cleaned myself up and look in the mirror and ask.

Why can't I be beautiful?___________________________________________________________________

Author's Note

HEY guys I am writing a new book hope you like. I need votes and comments to continue. This chapter I would like to dedicated Someone_Like_You . She an awesome writer and really help me with this story. I will continue only if you guys want.  THANKS!!!

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