Chapter 6

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"You should talk to him girl! He didn't mean to push you." Roxan exclaim. I know she right, but I will tell him when I am ready not when he wants me too.

"I know Roxan, when I'm ready I'll tell you guys." Roxan was about to argue, but I beat her too it.

"I know I be ready soon. Three years should have been enough more than enough to tell someone. I'm afraid Roxan, what if people or more important you guys see me different?" My voice started shaking at the end. Why do I do if they think I did wrong? What if they start seeing me differently? What if they look at me differently? What if they start to treat me differently? I couldn't handle that. I already got enough with Brandon. I can't take loosing my best friend  and my crush too.  Yeah I admit it I have a tiny tine crush on Ryan who wouldn't. He's cute, smart, nice, sweet, and he always there when I need him. My thought where interrupted by someone snapping there fingers in front of my face. 

"What?" I said looking at Roxan.

"Girl I am talking to you! You better hear me out!" Roxan said while putting her hand on her hip. I look down and blush.

"Hey you know I hate it, when you don't look at me when I'm talking to you!" Roxan snap at me. I look at her and her eyes soften.

"I'm so sorry Roxan I was thinking." I answer softly she nodded.

"Chica, no importa lo que pase siempre sera mi mejor amiga y te voy a tratar igual.( Girls no matter what happens you always be my best friend and I am going to treat you the same.)" You may wonder, how do I understand Roxan when she talks Spanish? She made me learn Spanish when we where little. She always used to say:

"If I could learn English for you, you can learn Spanish for me." 

I look at her and sigh.

"People say they won't never treat you differently in the end they do." I said looking at the sky. I saw how the clods move in the bright blue sky.

"We won't, trust me we aren't like that." Roxan said sweetly as she gave me a hug.

"You want to see what I draw." I ask her as I gave her the drawing. She look down and gasp.

"Damn girl this is amazing!" She said as she pointed at the girl.

"I love your painting so much.They always have so much emotions!!" I blush again the scold.

"What do you and Ryan have to make me blush so much?" I exclaim trowing my hands up in the air and glaring at Roxan. She started laughing at me, I just kept glaring at her until my eyes turn into slits.

"Because your face gets redder then your hair." Roxan exclaim while pinching my cheek.

With a scold on my face I slap her hands away.

"Leave my redness out of this!" I said in a joke mode.

"So your brother back right?" Roxan has an older brother name Joseph. He two years older than us.  So he already in colleague, he very protective of Roxan  and of me. Even if I tell him there no boy who would. He's answer: 

"Roxan I didn't know you went to a school with blind people!" I love him he looks allot like Roxan. He is tall with dark skin color, Has a nice body, don't raise your eyebrow at me! He is like a older brother to me that doesn't mean he isn't cute. Anyway he also have hazel eyes, he everything that Brandon isn't, that why I love him.

"Oh girl that boy is going to be the dead of me!" Roxan said frustrated as she hook her arm with me and started walking. I laugh out loud and she glared at me.

"What did he do this time?"

"He punch a boy because he called me sexy!! And it he's fifth day here, he already punch someone!" Roxan exclaim I just laugh that Joseph for you.

"Doesn't that boy have a girlfriend?"

"No that boy is over protective! No girl want to be around him!" Roxan shook her head sadly.

"I think its sweet." I said to her she threw her head and laugh.

"It will be sweet until he punch Ryan." I punch her softly and she started to laugh.I was about something but her phone ring. I raise and eyebrow at her ring tone, it was Mistake by Demi Lovato.

"Hola mami !(Hey mom) What! is he okay? What do you mean in the hospital! NO! no! this can't be happening." Roxan started to cry. There where tears falling down her cheeks, she hang up.

"Roxan what wrong?" I ask ask went and hug her.

"Joseph is in-in the hospital." She said crying and then started hiccuping.

"Give me the car keys I'll drive you to the hospital. You can't drive like this!" She nodded, gave me the keys and started to cry.

"Its ok Roxan, todo va estar bien.(Everything is going to be OK)" I said taking her and rubbing her back in circle.

"How do you know Bella? He could be dead!" Roxan exclaim sobbing now.

"Bella, Bella I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you!" Ryan said while walking towards us.

"I can't talk to you know I have to go."

I put Roxan in the car and drove to the hospital as fast as I could.

When we got there, I was surprise at what I was seeing.


Sorry is short but it just a filler. Like always vote, comment and fan. I got three question I hope you answer me.

Who is your favorite character?

Which one was your favorite gift?

Do you like the book?

Love, Kassy.

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