Chapter 14

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Time has come and I was sitting in the car next to Brandon as always he was driving. I was very nervous because with things that happened moments earlier with Ryan I didn’t want to make things awkward for us. I was playing with my hands and a light blush cover my cheeks as I thought on what just almost happened. Roxan does really have great timing if she would have call me a few seconds later me and Ryan would have kiss. I wonder why Roxan invited us to dinner. Then I glance at Brandon wondering why the hell Roxan invited him? They fight more than cats and dogs. Maybe she was trying to help us to get our relationship back as the way it was. I don’t really think our relationship would ever go back as it was, but at least he trying. I frown remembering how close Roxan, Joseph, Brandon and I where. After the attack everything changed. Brandon grew distant and cold towards Roxan and me, while Joseph grew a little more protective. He would always worry and he hated how Brandon started to treat us, especially me. Brandon respect and admires Joseph in a big brother way, but when the attack happened and Brandon change they constantly fought over Brandon behavior. I still remember the day that Joseph and Brandon stop talking.


“Stop it already with this bullshit!” Joseph screams at Brandon. “Do you know how many times Bella has come to my house crying because of you?” Joseph screams furiously.

“So what the Beast is also a crybaby! Big whoop! She’s over reacting anyway!” Brandon screams right back.

Roxan and me where peaking from the kitchen. I really should not have told Joseph what was happening. I didn’t want them to fight but Joseph made me tell him. I had gone crying to his house already more than five times and never telling them what had happened, but when I finally told him he was pissed. I told him I would try to fix it but he wouldn’t listen.

“Bella already gone through enough with the attack! Is not the time for you to be a fucking bastard! She needs you’re support not insult!” Joseph hands turn to fits and there where so much pressure his knuckles where turning white. “And stop calling Bella a Beast!”

“So what else do you want me to call her? Monster, Horrifying, Ugly, or do you prefer scar face! She just the big disgrace of the family! ” Brandon answer taunting Joseph.

I cover my ears as I kept hearing them fight over me. I couldn’t stop the tears from coming out and they started to fall.

“No te atrevas a repetir eso hijo de la gran puta! (Don’t you dare repeat that you mother fucker.)” Joseph screams as he took a step forward towards Brandon.

Roxan and I both wide eyes because Joseph never curse in Spanish. Roxan loves to do it whenever she could but Joseph hated it. He thought it was bad manner and nasty to do it he even tries to get Roxan to stop.

“Oh! Look the big wolf just lost his temper! He even is cursing in Spanish! This is really a sight to see!” Brandon said with sarcasm.

“Brandon I am not joking!” Joseph said threw gritted teeth.

“Why are you defending her anyway? She doesn’t deserve it! She brought it upon herself!” Brandon screams getting all over Joseph face. Joseph pushes him back but not hard enough to make him fall.

I gulp thinking about what really happened that day…Maybe this was my fault but it doesn’t mean I deserve to be treated horribly by my own brother.

“How is it her fault she got attack?” Joseph growled.

“It is! Who told her to go by herself? She only brought humiliation to the family! She has dragged our names to the dirt! I cannot believe you of all people are defending her! You know how big pride is in this town! Don’t you just feel ashamed looking at that ugly face! Is disgusting! Maybe she would have been better off dead!” Brandon screams at Joseph and that when he loses it. Joseph punches Brandon in the left eyes making him fly towards the floor.

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