chapter 5

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The next day I woke up with a smile on my face. Remembering, the events of last night. I can't believe Ryan went threw all that trouble for me, to make my birthday special. Sure, it was bittersweet birthday but Ryan made it better. I'm just wondering what happened to Roxan she didn't call or anything she never forgets my birthday. I went to my bathroom and smile for the first time because of my reflection.

The necklace that Ryan gave me is beautiful; my favorite part is the heart shape emerald. Then I frown when I notice the bruise under my eyes from when David punch me. I went put a white tank top, black skinny jeans, red converse and my red leather jacket. I let my hair down like always but you can see the necklace perfectly even with my hair down and hidden face. With one last look I went downstairs.

My mother was in the kitchen, my father and Brandon where in the dining room table. If you only gaze at my family you think this is the perfect family, but if you look good and long enough you see how messed up this family is. The perfect family is just a reflection. My mom was cooking until she looks at me, her smile drop lightly and she looks at my necklace.

"Where did you get that lovely necklace?" My mom said pointing at my neck.

"A friend gave it to me for my birthday yesterday." The spatula from my mom hand fell and I think I heard a fork hitting the floor. Looking at the table I saw my dad surprise face and my brother confuse one.

"What wrong?" Ask Brandon.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry I can’t believe we forgot your birthday.” My mom exclaim giving me a hug. I didn't hug her back just stay there, when she let go I lifted my head and look directly in  her eyes.

"I guess is hard to forget your daughter birthday. When your celebrating my twin brother one, but don't worry I had the best birthday ever without you.'" I heard everyone gasp, I never talk back with them but cut the crap they just want to be a perfect family without me.

"You forgot Bella's birthday?!?!" Brandon exclaim, standing from the table and knocking down the chair.

"You didn't tell us!" Dad screams at Brandon.

"Yeah, why didn't you said anything when we were singing you happy birthday?" Mom asks, I guess they already forgot I was in the same room, again.

"Because I thought you already plan something special for her! Like you did for me..." Brandon ended in a whisper, he look at me with sad and guilty eyes. Wow that’s new for Brandon to feel guilty and he’s defending me.

"Oh princess we are so sorry we forgot is just we had allot on our plate." Dad tried to explain I know he feels guilty and sorry, but that not an excuse to forget your daughter’s birthday. The worst part is that they remember Brandon birthday and we are TWINS. That just messed up, don't you agreed?

"Yeah I know you never got time for something so unimportant like me." I started to storm out.

"Wait Bella I’ll drive you to school." Brandon said while running after me. I saw a new car, guess that was his birthday present. I got in and Brandon started driving. The car was in complete silence.


“I’m sorry that they forgot your birthday. I guess you saw what they did for me. God,that must have been horrible seeing that."

I stare at him surprise he never been so nice to me since the attack.

"Why-Why do you care? You hate me anyway." We were already at school. Brandon turns to me with guilty eyes

"I-I don't hate you. Here-" He handed me a small box." I forgot to give you this yesterday happy birthday Bella." With a small smile he left me there with the small box in my hand.

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