chapter 2

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I just stare at him not only me the whole class stare at us. Everything was quiet until everyone started laughing. Saying stupid stuff like "she doesn't have a beautiful bone in her body"  While trowing paper at me.They started chanting 'Beast'. The teacher can't control the class room. Ryan is glaring but for the first time is not at me but at the other student's. People kept trowing crumple balls of paper at me. I couldn't take it anymore so I stood up and left the class room. I can hear a male voice yelling.

"No Bella wait-"

I just kept running without looking back. I can feel tear running down my face but I don't care. It started raining half way there. I finally got home.

At least God feel my pain. I was soaking wet but I didn't care I just started sobbing uncontrollably.

Why can't I enjoy a moment with out having the whole school damaging it? Why would Ryan tell me something like that? Maybe it was just a prank?

I kept crying for a while and when I stop I gave Roxan a call.

She pick up on the third ring.

"Hola amiga que pasa?"( Hey friend what wrong?)

"W-why d-din't you you come to school today?" I stutter because of all the crying.

"I woke up late and my mom said that I could stay home. Dime que pasa?(tell me what wrong?) Why are you crying?"

" I-I ne-eed you- you."

"I will be right there sweetie."

"O-ok." I was so cold, I was shivering. She got here here 20 minutes later I was in the same position.

"Oh God Bella are you ok?"

"No-no" You could here my teeth.

"Dios mio estas helada.(Oh my God you are freezing) Go take a hot shower and I make some hot chocolate."

I just nod my head I went to the shower. I sat on the couch and Roxan gave me cup of hot chocolate.

So I tell her everything she just listen and nod to let me know she listening. Went I finish the story I was crying again. She hug me and let me cry.

"You know Bella el chico (the boy) was telling the truth. You are beautiful everyone just jealous."

"Jealous about what Roxan? Of my so call 'beauty' or my 'beautiful' scars? About being bullied everyday of my life? Of having people look at you with fear and disgust? Of seeing your face as a reminder of what happened? To look at yourself and feel like your the ugliest person in the world? To have people pity you? People thinking I did this to myself? To be push around all day? Leaving in fear day and night? Waking up from nightmares? To think it will have been better to just die right then? To have your parent feel guilt for what happened? To have your own twin treat you like trash? To know your shame to your family? If that what they jealous about they can have it!!! Roxan...they can have it"

I look up a Roxan with tear in her eyes. Is the first time I ever talk about this. With trembling hands she hand me sketch book. 

"Draw what you feel." what all she said. I pick my sketch book and started drawing. She just stare at me while I work.

One hour later my sketch was finish. It was me in the middle of the stage crying with a sign over me that said 'The Beast'. People around me laughing and trowing stuff at me. I gave it to Roxan tears ran down her cheeks.

"Do you really feel that way?"

"Yes." I said in a soft whisper.

"I'm so sorry Bella but you NEED to know you are beautiful. Talented look at this" She said pointing at the drawing" this is amazing. People will kill to have a talent like this. Tienes un cerebro que yo quisierra tener! ( You have a brain that I wish I had!) Don't let people bring you down OK?"

"I will try, Roxan?"


"You can go now I'm going to sleep. Thank you" I said while I hug her.

"Ok if you need anything call me OK?" She said while giving me a bear hug. I nod and she sat up and left. My brother came and I heard her:

"You don't know what your missing" With that the door slam shut and I ran to my room. I said down in my bed thinking and I remember a poem I once read:

Tear run down my face,

thinking about the pain

seeing myself in the mirror one question came to my brain,

Who is that ugly beast?

I took the knife and made a nice line

Does it look right?

or isn't enough?

No it is not

It's ok maybe  another one will take the pain away?

 I took the knife and made a crimson smile

Maybe will be enough for a while?

Redness stain the floor 

and my thought become wild.

Do you think my life should be longer?

I went to sleep thinking if I ever go that far.

Next morning I woke up and took a shower. I saw my reflection and sigh.I went with a purple T-shirt white jeans and purple converse. I ate breakfast and started walking to school .When I heard footstep and yelling.

"Hey Bella wait up!" I look back and stop running up to me was Ryan himself! He was wearing a batman T-shirt blue pant and high tops. He stop next to me and started to catch his breath.

"I was just want to say sorry for what happened yesterday." He said while flashing me a smile. I kept my head down and nodded.

"Don't worry I am used to it." 

"What do you mean?" He ask looking confused and cute. Wait cute Bella snap out of it he will NEVER date you.

"I mean it happens a lot so don't worry. I should say sorry because thank to me you got tease in front of the whole class." I heard him gasp.

"You don't have to apologize for anything. I do not regret I meant what I said. Anyway see you later Bell's." With that he went and left me alone shock.


Hey people hope you like it please comment and vote. 

Love Kasy

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