Chapter 7

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I couldn't believe what was I was seeing. They where rushing three people inside but none of them where Joseph. Roxan and I walk to the waiting room where her parents are waiting. Her mother was sobbing and her father was trying to console her.

"Mom where Joseph? How is he? What happened?" Roxan started rumbling.

"We don't know, they just call us that a drunk driver hit him." Roxan father explain.

"Is he going to be  ok?" Roxan ask hopefully. I saw as sadness was fill in Roxan father eyes. He gulp and try to said something, but nothing came out.

He sigh and finally answer.

"We don't know honey."

That when Roxan started sobbing I held her and put her in a chair.

"Everything will be alright." I whisper in her ear.

 "I can't loose him. He's my big brother Bella." Roxan whisper.

"You won't loose him, everything will be alright."

"How do you know huh?! You don't know the feeling of loosing your big brother!! I'm about to loose him." Roxan scream at me.

"There where you wrong I do know how it feel to loose a brother." I said sadly and its truth. I lost my brother long time ago. He didn't treat me like a sister he actually treated me like a plague. So in a way I did loose my big brother, when he started treating me differently.

"Oh I'm sorry Bella. I'm just very precupada. (worried)" Roxan said in a whisper and started crying again. I went and hug her while rubbing her back in circle.

"Its ok Roxan, you don't have to worry about it Joseph is a strong boy." She just hug me tighter and waited for the doctor. One hour a doctor came, he had blood on his clothes and look very tired. It scared the crap out of me. Was I right? Will Joseph be alright?

 "Are you Joseph family?" The doctor ask removing his eye glasses.

"Yes we are, is he ok?" Roxan father ask.

"Yeah nothing to worry about. He's left leg is broken, two broken ribs and a small concussion nothing to worry about." Every one sigh in relief.

"He asleep now, he can wake up at any moment. You will need this." He handed Roxan father a small bottle.

"He going to be in allot of pain for the next few weeks." The doctor said as he read over the clipboard.

"Thank you so much Doctor, can we see him?" Roxan mom quietly as Roxan hug me tightly.

"Yes you can. If you excuse me I have to go."

Roxan hug me tight as she whisper "He going to be ok." in my ear.

She grave my hand and went running to Joseph room. She went grave Joseph hand and started talking about thing they are going to do, how much boy they are going to punch and the fun they will have together.

He had a bruise on his face, a big white cast on his left and some other cuts and bruising, but other than that he look fine.

I saw Roxan cry all over Joseph saying she thought she was going to loose him. I saw how Joseph hand grip Roxan and he open his hazel eyes.

"Oh hermanita (Little sister) Do you really think you are going to get rid of me so easy." Joseph said with a small smirk in his lips.

"I was so worry!' Roxan cry to his shirt.

"Shh everything is going to be ok." Joseph said while hugging Roxan.

"I know Bella told me." He look at me and smile. I quickly look down and blush.

"Bella what did I told you about hiding you're beautiful face from?" Joseph exclaim .

"It doesn't matter what you say Joseph I know that I'm ugly." I said barely in a whisper.

"Come on! Who in the world would said that!" Joseph scream angrily.

I remember all those people who would call me things. Believe me there allot , but the person who hurts more is the one I can't forget.

"Brandon." My voice breaking on the end.

"Oh honey come here."

I slowly walk to him and he hug me.

 "Don't believe what that bastard said you are beautiful in and out." Then he kiss my cheek. I smile it felt good to be told you are beautiful.

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