Chapter 14

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"Good  morning, Zayn," Taivy's mom said as I entered their kitchen in my boxer shorts and shirt the next morning. I wasn't really prepared to stay at Taivy's house; I thought she would drive me home right after we dropped Liam off, but she changed her mind at the last second.

"Morning,"I mumbled with a yawn. Taivy came from behind me in her pjs, taking a seat at the island counter. I couldn't believe she let me stay. I didn't know why, but I was grateful.

"What would you like for breakfast? We have cereal, eggs and bacon, toast, waffles; take your pick." I stared at Taivy who was already scooping egg onto her plate. I smiled slightly. That was the onlytime I would get to see her in her pjs. She wore a simple white shirt and boy shorts, showing off her slender legs. "Zayn?" I snapped my attention back to Taivy's mom.


"What would you like for breakfast?" Realizing I didn't answer her question, I cleared my throat, trying to rid of my morning voice.

"Oh, sorry. Toast and eggs are fine."

"We have English muffins too," Taivy's voice gave me a slight start. Her voice was still raspy from tiredness. It was a slight turn on, but I tried my best to hide it.

"Oh, well then I'll have some of that too." I took a seat next to Taivy and smiling at her. She handed me a plate then smiled back.

Taivy's kitchen was huge; just like I saw the first time, I was still slightly in shock. All the appliances were metallic and the cupboards were polished wood. To say Taivy's family was rich was an understatement, I think.

Taivy's mom ate quickly, engaging in some talk with Taivy and soon left us alone to get ready for work.

"So your mom and dad work?" Taivy tensed slightly at my question then nodded.

"Yeah, pretty much..." She mumbled as she chewed her food. "How was your sleep?"

"Pretty good!" I smiled. "I've never slept on such a comfortable bed in all my life." Taivy chuckled at my enthusiastic remark. We continued eating, chatting here and there about school and whatnot. Taivy seemed like a different person out of school, like she was more herself. I found it strange since the other day she wouldn't even talk to me. Something had changed and I wanted to know what. When we finished eating and got to filling the dishwasher I decided ask her, "Why did you let me stay?" Taivy froze, hand still in the dish-rack.

"Uh...I just changed my mind..." she mumbled. "I didn't want Carmon hurting you," she smiled as if unsure of herself before rinsing off another plate and putting it in the dish-rack. I felt like she was lying to me again. There was no way around it, she didn't trust me. Taivy's mom came down just as we finished filling the dishwasher.

"Alright guys, get ready for school. You've got 20 minutes before I'm leaving for work so if you want a ride, hurry up."

"Okay,"Taivy said before rushing her way up the stairs.

"Thanks for breakfast Mrs. McBell."

"No problem Zayn, I'm glad you could stay over. I don't know why Taivy doesn't invite more of her friends over," she sighed. "She seemed so much more enthusiastic before I remarried. But anyways, I'm rambling. I'll let you go." I chuckled and made my way up the stairs then paused.

"Where's Taivy's dad?"

"Step dad, he had to go on a business trip," she yelled back from the kitchen. I had more questions for her, but decided it wasn't the right time to ask and continued to the guest room.

Once Taivy and I got dressed, her mom drove us to school. I wore the same clothes I had on the day before, but I was used to that. My family never really had enough money for new clothes. I sat in the back seat with Taivy and found it wasn't even a minute before we were at school and I remembered when she told me that she didn't live far from the school. Taivy's mom stopped by the sidewalk and I followed Taivy out of the car.

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