Chapter 15

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~Taivy's P.O.V.~

"Come on, you bastards, let us out!" I screamed, banging on the metal door of the room the Carmon's men had thrown us in.

"Will you cut it out! They're not gonna listen," Zayn snapped. He was sitting on the floor against the wall across from me. "You've been trying that for almost an hour, you think screaming will help any?"

"Well, I don't see you doing anything to find a way out of this," I snapped. Zayn sighed and hung his head. I could sense the defeat in him by the way he sat, slouched against the wall.

I glared at the door with a huff. Zayn was right, no one was listening to me scream and curse so there was no use in continuing for nothing. I sat next to Zayn with a sigh and wondered if they had gotten to Liam already.

"You're such a coward," I mumbled looking over at Zayn. He didn't answer, just stared down at the floor and picked at the dirt on his pants. For some reason, I felt sorry for him, but that didn't change the fact that he gave Liam away. He should have left it alone.

"I know," He whispered; his words pulled my eyes away from glaring at the door, "that I'm not the greatest person, but all I've done is try my best to keep my family safe since my dad left. I now I never do a good job of it, but I try." I looked away with a sigh, thinking he was making excuses for himself for what he did to Liam. My hands clenched into fists, my nails digging into my palms as my knuckles turned white, and I gritted my teeth.

"Liam was my friend, and I thought you were too. Clearly you don't care about other people if it means you get your life in danger."

Zayn lifted his head glaring at me, anger blazing in his eyes.

"You don't understand! Carmon knows where I live—"

"Yeah, well, no thanks to you, he knows where Liam lives too," I spat enraged as I  shoved him as hard as I could, wanting to knock him over. His hand steadied himself as he tipped, stopping his fall and stared at me in looking hurt.

"I'm sorry." I scoffed at his lame attempt at an apology.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Zayn." My words echoed off the walls of the dim room as I expressed my annoyance.

"Then what do you want me to say? Hmh? That I'm a screw-up, that I did it out of hate. Do you want to hear that part of me wants him dead?" My breath hitched and my stomach seemed to have put itself in knots. My brows narrowed, trying to understand him.

"How could you want Liam dead? He's my friend."

"You were mine too until he came along." Loud creaking filled the room as the door was opened. Carmon came in a with a coy smirk. I didn't have to look to know it was directed towards me.

"You two seem to be getting comfortable. I haven't heard any yelling for a while now." He stood in front of us with a content look on his face. I glanced at Zayn and found I had moved closer to him. If I wasn't so scared of Carmon I would have attached him already, but that wouldn't have changed anything, or what he did to me. "Come on," he said extending his hand to me, kindly in a way. I didn't nothing but stare at his hand.

"Where's Liam?" I asked confidently.

"I'll take you to him if you want. My guys just brought him." Zayn emitted a scoff. "Something wrong Zayn?"

"Yeah with you. You're such a heartless son of a bitch. Liam isn't fine. He's most likely being tortured again." I stared at Carmon as he laughed boisterously. The monstrous sound made me jump slightly as it echoed through the room.

"Is that what you think?" He laughed again and it sent chills down my spine. He sounded so sadistic. "I'm not really interested in him. I'm more interested in how he got out when he was nearly beaten within an inch of his life."

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