Chapter 3

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Beep beep!

Beep beep!

I groaned as my alarm went off and tuned over, lazily fumbling around for the snooze button. Just my luck, I wasn't able to find it with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes and hit the snooze. Finally! I closed my eyes again and began drifting back to sleep till, "Zayn! Time to get up!" My mother hollered from down stairs. I groan and pulled the duvet over my head as the door was suddenly flung open and light entered the room.

"Zayn, come on! You gonna be late again for school?" My mom questioned and I answered with a grunt and a shrug.

When was I ever early for school?

Suddenly I was cold. My mom had just pulled my covers off me.

"What the fuck, Mom. Leave me alone!" I growled only to be slapped.

"Don't you talk to me that way young man! Now come on! Get ready and help your sisters. I have to get to work."

"You got the job?"

"Yes I did." She smiled which made me smile.

"That's great, mom! I knew you'd get it."

She smiled and caressed my cheek with her hand then kisses it. "I'll see you after work alright," she smiled.

My mom left and I got ready for school then went down stairs to make breakfast. Soon the girls were up and dressed. We ate breakfast then I walked Safaa to her bus stop. Once the bus picked her up I went back to the house, grabbed my books off my desk, stuffed them in my bag then went to my car.

Waliyha waved to me as I pulled out of the driveway. She usually took the bus unless she was late then she would come with me.

I got to the school in record time, it was only five minutes after the ten minute warning bell. Not bad. I grabbed my bag and headed to my locker, taking the books I didn't need out my bag and into my locker. First class was gym. That was easy and it flew by quicker than I thought.

When I got back to my locker to grab my math book I saw Taivy. I smiled at her as I caught her eye.

"Hi Taivy," I greeted. She smiled then looked down as she put something I couldn't make out into her locker. "You ready for math?" I asked, trying to make conversation which I guess didn't work 'cause all she did was shrug. She was back to her silent self again. I sighed and decided to leave it at that. She walked close behind me, clutching that binder to her chest, as she followed me to math. The bell rang and everyone began scrambling to their class, pushing and shoving others around so as to get to class quicker. I suddenly felt someone slide their arm around mine. I looked and saw Rae smirking at me.

"Heya Zaynie," she said chewing her gum. I chuckled.

"Hey yourself." I replied, chuckling at her cheekiness.

Rae and I chatted while we made our way to class and I soon forgot about Taivy. I entered math and Rae continued on to her class.

When the teacher began to pass out the work sheets and talk about the lesson that's when I zoned out. My mind wandered back to what happened last night with Waliyha.

She was yelling at me for most of the ride home, but I didn't say anything about it. I knew better than to get her involved. Then my mind wandered to when I thought I saw Taivy at the patrol station the day before.

Could it have been her?

A loud slap caused me to jump in my seat and break my out of my thoughts. I blinked, realizing Mr. Gingmuth was glaring at me as he stood in front of my desk.

Hotwired Freedom - ZM (Title Change)Where stories live. Discover now