Chapter 5

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~Zayn's P.O.V.~

I screamed in pain as another lash of the whip was brought across my back. I grunted and gasped trying to get air back into my lungs as I tugged at the rope that bound my hands to a chain hanging from the ceiling. I didn't know how long the whipping had been going on for anymore. If I had answered Carmon in the first place, I knew I wouldn't be this mess.

I grunted and clenched my teeth as the masked bloke continued to whip me. I couldn't handle this any longer. I leaned my head back and stared at the ceiling as I heaved for air. Sweat was running down all over my body, my clothing that was nearly in shreds clung to my skin and my hair clung to my face. I wanted to die; I was in so much pain.

After a minute of non-stop lashes the bloke stopped and gave me a breather. I began coughing and choking as I took big breaths of air. I hung my head and waited for the contact of the whip again, but it never came. I looked up and noticed I was alone.

I couldn't believe I got myself into this mess. Maybe if my mom- No! I can't blame my mom for the things I do. It wasn't her fault that she lost her old job. Carmon's words rang in my ears as I recalled what he said when I first applied for the job.

"There's no getting out of this once you say yes." He held his hand out as he waited for my answer. I smiled and shook his hand, confirming that I wanted his job offer.

That was the biggest mistake I've made in my life. I remembered when Louis told me about the things that happened behind closed doors, warning me not to make the same mistake he did, but I was too hard-headed to listen. I wanted to get rich and be the man in the house by providing for my family; to make them happy, but as they say "you can't buy happiness".

My head shot up at the sound of the door opening and bang against the wall. I closed my eyes to keep them from burning as the light that entered the dim room nearly blinded me. I heard Carmon come in and shut the door behind him. I didn't have to look to know it was him. I listened to the sound of his steps as he came over to me. I waited for him to do something to me, but he just stood there, staring.

My head was suddenly pulled back by my hair, making me look him in the eye. I clenched my jaw to keep myself from yelling out in pain.

"What the hell, Zayn!" He yelled into my ear causing me to flinch and whimper. "Couldn't follow a simple order, could you? You had to go off and do your own thing, not even stop and think about the consequences," he chuckled evilly in my ear. "but then again you've always had spunk and that's what I liked about you, Zayn." He released my hair roughly and began walking circles around me. I shuddered and began breathing heavily. My mind was spinning of thoughts of what he might do to me.

After circling around me a few times he stopped in front of me and jabbed me in the gut. I leaned over, coughing and gasping for air. He grabbed me by my throat and pushed me back up so I was standing straight and stared me dead in the eye. "I'm sick of you not listing to orders and I'm sick of being gentle on you. And I think the only way to teach you is to punish you without mercy!" He seethed before punching me in the face.


I limped my way to my car, fumbling my keys out of my pocket. My body felt numb. I noticed the rope burns on my wrists as I unlocked the door. I sat in the seat and stared the car. I was still trying to regain my breath from the beating. I leaned back in my seat and breathed in deeply. I opened my eyes when my breathing became even enough for me to concentrate on the road.

Once home, I went straight to the bathroom; or at least tried to.

"Zaynie, are you okay? You're walking kinda funny." Safaa said. I looked over the stair rail and saw her staring up at me from where she was on the couch. I guessed she was watching the telly since I could hear it.

"I'm fine hun, I just fell is all." I said then continued to the bathroom. At least I had an extra shirt in my car or she would have freaked over my cuts and bruises.

I stared at my reflection and gasped.

"Fuck...." I muttered at myself. I had two black eyes and a long bruise along the side of my neck. I ran my fingers over it and flinched and hissed at the pain. I'll look real good at work, showing up like this. I pulled off my shirt and my trousers then hopped into the shower. I grit my teeth as the hot water ran down the cuts on my back. When I finished, I went to my room to get a change of clothes.

As I pulled my shirt over my head I caught a glimpse of myself in the dresser mirror. I walked over to it as I tugged my shirt down. I pondered on what to do about my black eyes. Maybe there was a way to cover it up. An idea suddenly popped in my mind. I could use makeup.... But then I'd have to ask Waliyha for it since I didn't own any.

"Ugh, Zayn you're so stupid." I muttered to myself and made my way to Waliyha's room. I rolled my eyes at myself before knocking lightly in the door.

"Come in," she said and I hesitantly entered. I shut the door behind me and saw Waliyha on her stomach as she did something on her laptop. I cleared my throat and her eyes grew like saucers when she saw my face. "Holy shit, Zayn! What happened to your face?" She asked as she got off her bed and came over to me. I felt so stupid.

"Shhhh! I don't want to scare Safaa. I need your help." She smirked and crossed her arms.

"Okay. What do you want?"

"I need you to cover this..." I muttered, pointing to my eyes.

"And what do I get out of this if I help you?" I sighed and rolled my eyes. I guess nothing comes free in life.

"I'll get you that fragrance you wanted at the drug store." I muttered. Waliyha squealed with delight then nodded vigorously.

"Okay, I'll help you." She ushered me over to her dresser and sat me down. I felt really stupid. I felt like a five year old getting her makeup done. Blechh.

Waliyha pulled some things out of a pouch and set a bottle of ... something on the dresser and then pulled out a brush. Oh boy. She squirted some of the stuff from the bottle onto the back of her hand then dabbed the brush in it.

"Alright, now close your eyes."

"Wait, what is that?" I asked skeptically.

"It's concealer. Now close your eyes!" I hesitantly did as she said and he began brushing the liquidy looking stuff over my yes. Yay I'll look like Barbie.

Waliyha told me to open my eyes when she finished. I looked in the mirror and smirked. Whatever she did, it worked. No one would be able to tell I had black eyes.

"Thanks sis. I owe ya." I said as I got up.

"That you do, Zayn. That you do."

I slowly made my way down the stairs and stopped by the door to put my shoes on. Then I remembered that I didn't have time to make dinner to bring to work. I sighed and decided to go buy dinner instead. I yelled a goodbye to the girls then headed out to my car.

When I got to the cinema, Harley was already there and greeted me with a hand shake.

"Dude, What happened to your neck?" He said before poking my bruise. I winced and pushed his hand away. He began chucking. "Are you wearing makeup too? Man what is up with you today."

"'Ey knock it off! I got in a fight alright." I sighed. "I didn't want to show up at work with two black eyes so..." I shrugged. Harley nodded.


We left it at that and got ready for work.

A/N: 4 votes on this chapter before I put up the next one. and please coment what you think of it :)

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