Chapter 7

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I wasn't able to ask for a Saturday off till Friday, and it wasn't that easy to get it either. My boss at the cinema wanted me to work Sunday as well the next week and that seemed fine to me until Carmon asked me to work the same day as well. Everything seemed so messed up, but I knew I couldn't get out of it.

Saturday finally came and everyone from school was there at the nightclub. They went all out on everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. Booz, coke, weed; the lot.

The party started around seven o'clock and by nine, everyone was drunk as hell including myself. Louis got wind of the party and texted me, saying he was coming over.

"Hey, the more the merrier!" Niall cheered, raising a half empty bottle of beer after I told him.

I laughed at Louis when he entered with a nervous looking Liam.

"What the hell man? Why'd ya bring the noobie?" I laughed pointing at Liam. Louis shrugged, slinging his arm around Liam.

"This kid needs to lean to loosen up, so I brought him 'ere." Everyone laughed and Niall handed them both a beer.

"Sorry I-I can't drink..." Liam mumbled and looked down rather ashamed.

Niall 'oh'ed loudly, earning Liam more attention than he probably wanted. I grabbed Liam's beer from him, opened it up then handed it back, but he wouldn’t take it.

"Look, Liam, the thing about parties is so you can loosen up and have fun." Harry slurred getting up in his grill. Liam coughed, and waived his hand around, probably smelling Harry’s breath.

"I tell you, I can't drink. I've got kidney problems."

"Awe, poor baby." A girl named Sandy said before going over to him and getting close. Liam looked so uncomfortable; everyone that noticed started laughing.

"I bet you're still a virgin. How old are you kid?" Harry asked then took a long swig of his beer. Liam turned a deep red before nodding his head and everyone laughed.

"Hey, leave him alone!" Someone yelled from behind me. I looked and noticed Taivy glaring at us. She stepped in and pulled Liam way from us; glaring at me as she left. I was surprised to see her there. I hadn't even talked to her since I found her crying out side of the school so it seemed kinda awkward.

I kept sneaking glances at Liam and her from across the room. I wanted to punch Liam in the face, but for what reason I couldn't exactly tell why. The guy was stupid, I knew that much. He didn't even dress right for a party, and he smelt like piss.

I sat at the bar ordering myself something stronger than beer. I wanted to get hammered hard and didn't care what the consequences were. After four shots of tequila, everything was a blur and I was buzzing. But I wanted more. A buddy of mine handed me a lit blunt and I took and long drag of it. I got so high after a while I could hardly stand, so I sat on the barstool watching everyone dance or watch guys snog chicks.

I had another shot before noticing the noobie dancing with Taivy. It kinda surprised me, but it also made me jealous. Taivy called me a friend and it didn't seem like she wanted anymore friends –although I did question it when I notice her hanging around Rae at school.  She always kept to herself and was the shyest and strangest person I've ever met.

"Yo Malik!" Someone screamed in my ear and I angrily shoved him away then rubbed my ear. Looking up, I noticed it was Niall.

"What the fuck man!" I yelled, shoving him again.

"What? You seemed hard of hearing so I yelled." he yelled again –just as loud– then shrugged. I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him. I didn't have time for his pathetic antics.

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