Chapter 2

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"Louis, come on... Answer the phone..." I whispered to myself as his phone rang on the other end. I was driving to his place to get some help. Carmon wanted his money before I could get Waliyha back; basically he was holding her for ransom. I managed to find some of the money my mom had hidden in case of emergencies. Nearly 900 dollars, but I owed Carmon 1,500 so I was basically going to ask Lou if he could lend me a hand. Louis and I both worked for Carmon; although he did a better job of making sure no one followed him home than me.

Finally, after numerous times of calling Louis he answered his phone.

"Hello?" He said groggily. I probably had woken him up. Since Louis dropped out of school all he ever does is work, sleep, and watch his sisters when his parents at out of town.

"Finally!" I exclaimed and he groaned into the phone. "Mate, I need some help. Carmon has Waliyha."

"Fuck!" He groaned. "Mate, I told you to be more careful when you go home."

"Yeah. I know. I just fucked up." I sighed. I knew I should have listened to Louis but I seemed to have my own ideas at the time. "Listen mate, I need some money and I need it quick. I can't have my mom know about this."

Louis groaned again. "How much?"

"I got 900. I'm 600 short."

"Alright. I think I have some dosh on hand. Where are you?"

"I'm on my way to your place."

"No don't come here!" He warned. "Someone might follow you here." I was about to turn on his street but I managed to swerve and went past. "It's the perfect way to find out here I live. Don't be stupid, Zayn!"

"Sorry..." I mumbled. I clearly wasn't thinking straight, but how could I when I knew my sister was in trouble.

"Meet me at the petrol station on Arverst."

"Alright. I'll see ya there." I said then hung up. I quickly changed my root and parked in the station then waited for Louis to get there. I knew I would have to wait longer since he would take the long way around.

While I waited I saw a blue convertible pull up into the station. The girl seemed vaguely familiar but I didn't pay much attention to her till she looked my way. She looked a bit like Taivy. She was wearing a tight fitted dress and lots of makeup.

When she came back out of the station after paying for her fill up, I did a double take. It was Taivy! But I couldn't figure out why was she in the middle of nowhere. The station was a few kilometers out of town. Our eyes locked and she gasped. She stared at me in shock then quickly got in her car and drove off. At first I was happy that I got to see her again but then I began to wonder why she was dressed up. I mean, she didn't exactly look like the type to get dolled up.

A sudden knock on my window interrupted my thoughts and I looked out to see Louis leaning his forearm on the top of my car. I quickly rolled down the window.

"Hey, Louis." He nodded in response.

"Here." He said handing me a bunch of 20 dollar bills with a rubber band around them. I counted it quickly and nodded thanking him. "You know you'll never be able to hide from Carmon till you move, right?" He sighed. "Like fuck mate! The less they know about you outside the job the better."

This time I sighed and tapped the money against my left hand nervously. "I know! Fuck, I'm an Idiot! I should have listened to you. I'm sorry."

"Ey, don't apologize to me. It ain't my problem." He boasted, taking a step back and crossed his arms. "You probably should get going before Carmon decides he's done waiting for ya. I'll see ya later mate." With that, he headed off to his car and drove away.

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