Chapter 11

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~Zayn's P.O.V~
My nerves stared to get to me as I drove the newly stolen Ford truck into the warehouse. Carmon was there to greet me as I got out. He gave me the usual questions on where I found it and if anyone saw me. I told him I was sure no one saw me.

"Okay, you can go now," Carmon said before getting in the truck.

"Go?" I questioned. "So that's it?" I was confused. Usually he didn't let me go till I had my beating for the day and he said it would last till he was sure I learn my lesson.

"Yeah. Like, go to school or what ever it is you do when you're not here. I think you've learned you're lesson," he said. The tooth pick in the corner of his mouth moved as he spoke, leaning out the truck window.

I sighed in relief as he drove the truck to the back of the warehouse. He actually let me go. I was trying to figure out if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He said that my punishment would last till he said I leaned my lesson and that would be for a while. I didn't think it would only last a couple weeks. I decided not to hang around in case he changed his mind and bucked it to my car.

I drove to school, thankful for the first time in weeks I wasn't achy. I pulled into the lot at the school and checked the time.


I was I bit early, class hadn't ended yet. I sat in my car and lit a cigarette just to wait for time to pass. There was no use going to math now; I'd just be given a detention.

My mind wandered to last night at Taivy's house. I was surprised how big her house was; so much bigger than mine. And her car! How the hell did she get such a sick car? I knew I would never be able to get a car like that ... Not unless I stole it that is. It seemsed that that was the only thing I was good.

I took a drag of my cig before thinking about Taivy's dad. He seemed kinda cool. But the way Taivy looked at him made me uneasy. There probably something going on with them. Family problems, maybe. Something told me that I shouldn't have left though. I couldn't tell what it was, but I ignored it. 

I threw the cig out the window when the bell rang before stepping out. I grabbed my back pack from the back seat then headed inside, to my locker. Everyone stared at me as I headed down the hall. I said hey to he team before I noticed Ciara out of the corner of my eye, smirking at me.

"Hey Zayn."

"Uh... Hey," I mumbled and slowed my pace. I don't know why I slowed down to hear what she had to say.

"Did you know Taivy's cheating on you," she said making me laugh at her pathetic attempt to make me jealous.

"Okay. But she's not my girlfriend, so what you just said means absolutely nothing to me." Something felt very weird saying girlfriend thinking of Taivy. She was more of a close friend than anything, really.

"Oh. Really? See, I thought you guys were getting it." I suddenly choked on air.

"What?" I choked.

"I saw her go in your car yesterday so I just thought—"

"You thought?," I sighed and muttered, "you're so stupid," under my breath.

"Zayn, don't be like that..."she whined and leaned against me. I stopped in my tracks and pushed her away from me, revolting away in disgust.

"Ciara, stop. Stop trying to make me jealous. Taivy's just a friend, okay and saying someone was trying to take her from me isn't going to work. She isn't even mine."

"Not even if I told you she's been flirting with Liam..." She smirk and I suddenly frowned.

"The kid?" I asked. She nodded and continued to smirk. Jealousy was beginning to get to me and I angrily walked the rest of the way to my locker, alone.

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