Chapter 9

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~Taivy's P.O.V.~

I fiddled with the zipper of my hoodie as I stared out of Zayn's car window. I wasn't entierly sure if he came over to my house was a good idea. I was nervous.

Although I knew my step dad wouldn't be home till late that night, I wasn't sure what my stepdad would do if he saw that I brought someone home, much less a guy. But I knew how fake he was when others were around. Though he wouldn't do anything to me when they were around, after they left was another story.

"You okay?" Zayn asked. I nodded and cleared my throat.

"Yea..." My voice cracked and I cleared my throat again. "Yea I'm fine, why?"

"You're fidgeting," he chuckled. I smiled slightly at him and absentmindedly bit at my thumb nail.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous. This will be the first time I bring any of my friends home. And my mom will be quite shocked to see that I brought home anyone when I told her I would never make friends here." Zayn laughed and bit back a smile.

"Well I'm sure she'll be glad you made friends."

As Zayn turn onto my street, I began to feel uneasy. My mind kept making up scenarios of what could happen if My step dad came home and saw Zayn, and they were all bad. Each one ended with either me or Zayn getting hurt, even though I knew he wouldn't touch Zayn.

I jumped back startled when Zayn waived his hand in my face. He chuckled at my reaction

"Is this the right place?" I looked up, just noticing the house and driveway Zayn had parked his car in. My bright blue Camero convertible right in front of us.

"Uh... Yea..." I mumbled. I felt like there was a knife in my throat and I tried to swallow it away.

"So that's your car?" I bit my lip staring at Zayn, wondering if he'd remember that day he saw me at the gas station, in my "work cloths." I got skittish and looked away then nodded at his question as I slipped out of the car on the left side before he could say anymore. It felt so strange getting out of a different side for a passenger.

I opened the back door of his car and pulled out my back pack and he did the same on the opposite side. We both moved to the hood to get our magnificent project.

I watched Zayn open the hood before he asked for my help. While I helped him lift out the half finished castle of marshmallows I realized how clean his car was.

"Why is your car so clean? I mean, aren't guy's cars normally dirty and scuffed up on the inside? Yours look like a girl owns it."

"You calling me a girl?" he asked in fake offense. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head in amusement. "Well if u saw it yesterday you wouldn't be saying that."

"What do you mean?"

Zayn chucked, "Well I told my sisters that I was coming to your place so I wouldn't be home after school." I smiled slightly. "Waliyha told me to clean it out before I went to school today."

Zayn walked backwards as I guided him where to go. We stopped at the door. "You got it?" I asked, turning the cardboard that the marshmallows stood on so Zayn could hold onto it by himself.

"Hang on, hang on." He lifted his knee to balance it on for more support then nodded for me to let go.

I dug around in the front pouch of my back pack for my keys. Once found, I unlocked the door and helped him carry our project in. We set it down on the long couch in the mud room before removing our shoes and jackets.

"I guess we can work in the den or my room if u want." He shrugged.

"I don't care, wherever you want." I smiled, glad that even though I suggested my room he let me me pick. I helped him carry the project to the den.

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