Chapter 4

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A/N: So I didn't get exactly 3 votes on the last chapter but for the people who follow me on tumblr, they were saying they liked it so I'm updating. Yay!! I hope you like what I have planed for this chapter :)
Anyways. To the story!


I sat next to Taivy as I "listened" to Ms. Carthy talk. I wasn't really paying attention. My mind was mostly on that text I got from Carmon between classes, asking if I could come see him about Liam after school. Carmon didn't like to be questioned, and I couldn't exactly say no to him, so I didn't bother answering. It still bugged me though. Ah what the hell. I thought. I'll just tell him the teacher took my phone.

When Ms. Carthy was finished speaking, we got out our stuff for the drawings we were to work on. Taivy pulled open her binder and I dug out my sketch book from my backpack. She showed me a sketch that she had done the night before. It was a castle with a moat and drawbridge.

"This is awesome, Taivy!" I commented and a shy smile tugged at her lips. I opened up my sketchbook and showed her mine. It looked quite boring actually. It was only a simple street with like brick walls and stuff, but she seemed to like it more than I did.

Taivy and I discussed how we would put the drawings together and what we should use for the model.

"How 'bout marshmallows...?" I raised my brows at Taivy's suggestion and began to wonder if I had heard her right.

"Pardon?" I asked. She laughed lightly.

"You heard me right." I leaned back in my chair, pondering it a bit.

"Marshmallows? Really?" I asked sceptically. Taivy giggled, nodding her head.

"What can I say? I love marshmallows. And when we're done, we can eat it," she chuckled. I gaped at her statement.

"No way doll! We ain't eating our A+ project!" I sassed, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles. It was so adorable.

I got up to get a large sheet of paper and passed Ciara who was smiling at me funny.

"Hi Zayn," she said... Sweetly? Or was at least trying to, I guess.

"Um... Hi?" I mumbled as I took the sheet of paper and walked back to Taivy. I rolled my eyes as I heard Ciara tell her friend that I was totally into her.

We began our drawing, deciding to make the street into like a river and the buildings into castle-type looking buildings. We were half way through the drawing part when Ms. Carthy said we should start cleaning up. We put away the art supplies and washed some of the brushes some of the others used for their drawing.

I grabbed my sketchbook and stuffed it into my backpack then headed out the door, not even waiting for the bell to ring. I didn't want to stay all cooped up here cause of Mr, Gingmuth's detention. I had my football practice to go to and I was not gonna miss that for anything! I opened my locker and pulled out my cleats and jersey and ran out to the boys' locker room to get changed.

At football practice, coach kept giving me trouble. I didn't get it. I thought I was doing alright till Harry came over.

"Zayn, you alright mate? You're not doing so well today." Harry stated. I rolled my eyes.

"It's nothing. I guess I'm just having an off day. I don't know." I muttered. I wasn't sure what it was, but I knew I wasn't feeling myself; like something was off.

Two hours later, I was still missing every goal. I couldn't get my shots into the net. I couldn't make heads or tails of it. I was doing better last week, so what was so different about today? Our game was Sunday night and if I continued like this I'll just be hanging on the side-line.

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