Chapter 6

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My eyes shot open from my sleep as a pulse of agonizing pain shot through my body. I really needed pain killers. I knew the beating would come back to me, and man, did it hit hard.

I glance at my clock before I stumbled my way to the toilet and used the wall to support myself. It was almost 6 AM. No one would be up till at least 6:30 or 7:00 AM.

I groaned as I made my way to the cabinet and pushed some things around to find the aspirin. I popped a couple pills in my mouth and downed it with a cup of water. The meds slowly began to work and I hopped into the shower and turned the water on hot.

I had a quick shower then headed to my room to change. My phone started ringing as I was about to leave. I went back to get it off my nightstand and glanced at the name: Niall.

"Hey," I groaned. My voice still made me sound half a sleep although I was fully awake. Kinda.

"Whoa, man you don't sound too good. You alright?"

"Yea, I'm fine. Just had a shower. What do ya want?" I asked, rubbing my eyes with my free hand as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Just wanted to tell ye, Mr. Gingmuth's totally pissed at ye. He told coach and uh.... Coach, he uh..."

"What did Coach do Niall, spit it out!" I demanded and stopped in my tracks, waiting for an answer.

"Well. You have to know like. This would be like your fifth detention you didn't go to and ... well...."

"Fucking spit it out, Niall! I don't have time for this!" I roared. Niall went silent for a second. I was getting more irritated by the passing second. Then it occurred to me. "Niall, did coach kick me off...?" Niall sighed on the other end.

"Yea... I'm sorry man. Coach said he'd call ye, but I thought it would be better if ye heard it from me. Harry and I tried our best to get 'em to change his mind, but it didn't work..." I sighed and leaned my head against the wall, wondering what I was to do next? I loved playing football. My hope was that I would be able to get to collage with it, but now those hopes were gone.

"It's fine. Thanks for letting me know." I said then hung up. I went into the kitchen and turned on the tap to get some water for the coffee maker when I felt something wet on my feet.

"What the?" I muttered alarmed and looked down at the floor.

Our kitchen wasn't big and it wasn't the greatest looking; neither was the rest of our house. But we made the most of what we could afford. The walls in the kitchen were a pale-ish yellow which reminded me of the colour of urine. Just the look of it would make me sick. The cabinets were old and the hinges were rusted. Sometime I wished I could get my mum a better house. She didn't deserve a shitty house like this. In the winter the roof would leak and sometimes the pipes would freeze and we wouldn't have any water.

I shut off the tap and leaned closer to the floor, looking at the liquidy stuff that was leaking out of the cupboard below the sink. When I opened the cupboard water came flooding out all over the floor.

"Ah crap!" I groaned. I hurried down stairs and shut the water off so it wouldn't flood the house. Great start to my morning. (note to sarcasm) I grabbed a mop from the broom closet and scurried around to find a bucket.

I had woken up my mom in the process because she came into the kitchen as I was cleaning up the wet floor.

"Zayn, what happened?" She asked. I huffed and looked around at the glistening wet floor.

"Well," I sighed. "The pipe busted under the sink and water went all over the floor. I was trying to clean it up without waking you, sorry."

My mom smiled and paced a loving hand on my cheek. "Well thanks for trying sweetie. I can take it from here."

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