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Aw! It's good to be back! I'm sorry I haven't updated in such s long time! But here's your story! Hope you guys like it, and I'm sorry if there's spelling mistakes!

He then turned to face Stanford yelling "Stan, office now!" He turned and headed to Stan's office as Stan followed behind him leaving a very confused Shooting Star, Red head, and Question mark...
I ran into Stan's office and immediately started yelling. "What the hell Stan? What the fuck is Bill doing here?" Grunkle Stan flinched as he stared at me surprised then sighed "Listen kid, calm down." I snapped "C-Calm down? You want me to calm down?! Stan that's the same creature that tried to kill me and invade your mind!" Stan stared at me and brought his hand to his face rubbing his temples. "Listen kid, he's not that b-" I stared laughing like a maniac "haha...not that bad? Haha!" I stopped laughing and glared at Stan. "Fine, you may not think he's bad, you may see a new being, but I still see that stupid triangle that tried to kill me, hurt Mabel and you. So I want nothing to do with him." I stormed out of his office only to be met with Bill. He smiled "Hey Pine-Tree! Want t-" I just brushed him off and headed upstairs. As I was halfway up the stairs I heard him yell "Oh...well I guess, we could hang out later!" I rolled my eyes and headed to the attic throwing myself on the bed.
I frowned as Dipper brushed me off. I heard as he walked up the creaky stairs one by one. "Oh...well I guess, we could hang out later!" I yelled and then I sighed as I walked back to the gift shop. As I walked in Mabel walked over to me smiling "Hi Bill, long time no see right?" As she finished she nudged my arm. I gave her a small smile and nodded my head then frowned looking away "You don't hate me?" She blinked before smiling "Bill that was in the past, you know forgive and forget!" I smiled slightly happy to know that one of the twins had forgiven me "So, how you guys been?" I asked Mabel. She smiled as she sat on the counter with the register "Well, good I guess. Also in school I was voted most popular!" She giggled as she finished "What about Pine Tree?" She looked at me and frowned looking away "Well, he's ok...I guess. He was voted the smart out of our whole school, but recently his girlfriend broke up with him. So he hasn't been himself lately...." I frowned "How long has it been...since you know they broke up?" I asked her, she sighed "About a week....any way how are you getting along with Wendy and Sos?!" She asked quite loudly catching Redhead's and Question mark's  attention. They walked over to us smiling. "I heard you say my name Mabs what's up?" Redhead asked with a smile. Sos also smiled "Yeah, dude what's up?" Mabel tried to cover her giggle by placing a hand up to her mouth. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you guys. I was just asking Bill if you guys got along?"
I finished my sentence with a smile. Wendy laughed and pulled Bill into a headlock ruffling his hair while he chuckled. "Stop that Redhead! It's embarrassing!" Bill yelled with a bright smile and tinted cheeks. Sos laughed along with Wendy as she ruffled Bill's hair. I smiled and felt happy that Wendy and Sos didn't let the past get the best of them. Once Bill was out of Wendy's hold he smiled. I looked at my watch and gasped. Sos stared at me asking "What's wrong Mabel?" I smiled "As much as I
would love to keep messing around with you guys, I have to go see my girls! I promised to hang out with them today! I'll be back later, see ya guys!" I smiled waving as I headed out the door.
We waved goodbye to Mabel as she walked out of the Shack. Sos and I were going to get back to work when Bill spoke "You guys I just had an idea!" He yelled, Sos walked over to him as well as I. "What idea?" Sos asked, Bill smiled looked around the pulled us closer whispering "We should throw the twins a welcome party tomorrow. What do you guys think?" Sos and I looked at each other smiling while nodding our heads. "Dude that's a great idea!" I pulled away giving Bill a light punch while laughing. Bill smiled then huddled us together again explaining everything, from the food to serve to the way we were going to keep Dipper and Mabel away until the party started. After we agreed he left to go tell Stan about his little plan. Me and Sos got back to work excited about the party tomorrow.

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