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I angrily made my way up stairs and sobbed silently into my hands.

I loved her, I... I thought she loved me too. I was wrong!

I kept crying until I heard a howl of pain come from Bill's room, and wiped my tear stained face as I rushed to his room, as I ran out of my room I bumped into Pacifica who looked at me relieved until we heard rummaging and glass being broken from Bill's room. I pounded desperately on the door, but he wouldn't open.

"BILL! BILL?! PLEASE OPEN UP!!" I yelled but he still wouldn't open.

I ran back to my room quickly and got a set of keys that opened every door in the Shack and rushed back to unlock Bill's door. I fumbled with the keys until they clicked into place and swung the door open to reveal Bill.

He's blonde hair was all messed up, but what scared me the most was that his fists, feet, and chest were completely drenched in blood!

I rushed to his side and yelled at Pacifica to get me the first-aid kit. She quickly left and returned with it, she helped me place him on his bed and I removed his shirt and got to work.

I first worked on his hands and used tweezers to remove any pieces of glass that may have been stuck in his soft skin, them did the same to his feet. Once I was done taking the glass out I gently cleaned his wounds and wrapped them nicely in cloth, and then moved to his chest. I sighed nervously as I cleaned his chest of any blood and disinfected it, I also wrapped a bandage around his chest and torso, hiding any wounds that may have bleed and tucked him in bed.

I sat at the edge of his bed as Pacifica watched me the entire time.

"How did you learn to do that?" I heard her ask softly as she stood there staring into the back of my head.

"While we were in California, I attended medical school for a few years, and picked up a thing or two," I answered truthfully as I watched Bill's pale and sweating face, "can you tell Dipper to get me a bowl of water and a rag."

She left without a word as I watched over Bill's weakened body, and I silently cried into his sleeping figure.

Time ticked by endlessly until Dipper came in.

"What the fuck happened to that thing? Wait...why do I even give a shit?!" He asked as he placed to bowl to my side and stared at me.

I stood up and looked him dead in the eye as I slapped him hard in the face.

"Y-you're an idiot! I don't even know why I bother with you?! Bill's my friend! And in case you haven't noticed Bill lo-," Bill never wanted to tell Dipper that he loves him, but I'm not the one who had to tell him I thought, "nevermind it's not like you'll notice...plus you're to busy messing around with you girlfriend, and the only girl I ever loved! So fuck you! And get out!" I yelled at him as I pushed him out the door and slammed it in his face.

I made my way over to Bill and grabbed the rag as I placed it in the bowl and then placed it on Bill's forehead, I looked at him sadly and whispered.

"I'm sorry."



All over again, I hugged my knees as I say down on the cold hard ground, waiting.

"Hahahahahahaha! If it isn't my favorite person, Bill Cipher~. Times ticking you know, I suggest you hurry up, or you might get stuck with me and you don't want that, but I do, so lucky you~" The dark figure smirked as it ended his sentence.

It approached me closer and grabbed my by the shirt as I stared at it.

"Will you be a good boy for me when the time comes?" The creature cooed into my ear as its warm breathe made me shiver in fear.

I wanted to yell and spit in his face, but to be honest I already lost to him. I looked at the ground and gave a frightful yes.

"Good! Oh~ and don't worry about your human when you're with me, you'll forget all about him and the pain he brought to you," He ended with a smile as he placed a disgusting kiss on my lips and vanished, leaving me in darkness.

'Just a bit longer, a few more days, and I'll finally know his answer. I will not be with that...that thing! Not now or never!' Sometimes I wish I could use my powers to see into the future, but then I remember...I gave up being a demon years ago.

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