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A year slowly drifted by and the reminder of the little bear trap incident left me with a terrible  scar. I got up from my bed as another headache decided to visit me. I gripped my head as Mabel walked in with a tray of food in her hands. She smiled warmly only to me and no one else, not even to her brother.

   She noticed I was holding my head in my hands as she sat at the edge of my bed.

"Bill, are you ok?" She asked concern lacing her usually cheerful voice.

"I-I'm fine, but what about you Mabel, how are you and the fact that your brother is dating Pacifica?" I let go of my head and pretended I wasn't in pain as I asked her worriedly.

She stiffened at my question and sighed nervously.

"I can't take it, all I see are him and her together. It's driving me nuts Bill! How can you be so calm about Dipper dating Pacifica?" She asked me as tears brimmed her chocolate colored eyes.

I sighed looking out the window watching as the once green pine trees that were now covered in a soft blanket of white snow, "Mabel... it doesn't concern me anymore. Even though I've protected Pines from plenty of things he still sees me as a nausance," I looked at her, "Mabel, Christmas is coming soon. Am I correct?"

She nodded her head as she gave me a saddened look.

"Yea, three days left. Why do you ask?" She asked curiously.

I smiled at her, "Well... I'm going to confess to Pines, I just want to tell him how I feel before.... Mabel give this to your brother on Christmas, ok?" I handed her the gift as she took it.

"Before what happens Bill? What's going to happen?" She asked terrified wondering what I would say.

I looked at the gift. It was a medium sized box, it was wrapped in blue wrapping paper and held a golden ribbon on the top.

"Before what happens Bill? What's going to happen?" I asked still thinking if what he said when he handed me the gift for Dipper.

Bill leaned in close and brought his lips near my ear as he spoke quietly.


My eyes widened as I stared at him in disbelief.

"Y-you're lying... right?!" I tried to contain the tears that were treating to pour out.

I watched as a grim smile graced his usually tired face, "I don't lie anymore, Mabel."

Tears pooled from my eyes as I leaned over to him and hugged him tightly. He tensed at first but then hugged back rubbing circles into my back as I drenched his tank top and shoulder.

After a while I let go, "S-so... this gift, when do you want me to give it him?" I asked trying to clear off the awkwardness from my hug and weeps.

"Christmas, the exact same day. Can you?" He asked me desperately.

I smiled while nodding my head as I left his room,  I ran to my room to hide the gift. Once I had completely hidden the gift I decided to head outside when I bumped into Dipper.

Dipper smiled as I gave him a serious look, "Hey, Mabel... on Christmas me and Ifica are going out. Do you want to go on a double date with us?" Dipper asked me as I was about to leave.

I thought about rejecting the offer, until I thought of Bill. He wanted to take Dipper out on Christmas! Maybe I'll agree to it and ask Bill to be my date. Yea, that's right!

"Yea, sure. In three days right?" I asked pretending that I liked the fact of going on a double date with him and the girl I love.

He smiled, "So it's a yes. Great, Ifica will be so happy! Thanks Mab, you're the best!" He left fist pumping the air.

I glared at the back of his head as I left to tell Bill of our "double date" I hope he's ok with it.

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