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I ran to the only place I could remember where Bill would be. I didn't want to admit it, but Bill wasn't that bad. I hurt him! 

I ran faster and faster throughout the woods calling Bill's name, I kept running until I saw him there. Sitting underneath a pine tree and... a guy on him. 

I hid behind the tree and watched as the guy talked to him. He had black raven hair, pale skin with snakebites underneath his lower lip. He wore a black hoodie and jeans, white faded out converse and a chain around his waist. I watched as Bill laid underneath him, emotionless as the black haired guy started unbuttoning his shirts and started sucking his neck. I clenched onto the beautiful dark wood of the oak tree I hid behind. I kept watching the sight in front of me, the black haired guy whispered something into Bill's ear, Bill closed his eyes and then replied with "Yes... I'll be yours and only yours, master."

My heart for some odd reason clenched in my chest as I saw them vanish into thin air, but I noticed something else. The black haired guy looked at me, smirked and his blue baby eyes turned a blood red. He licked his lips as he placed them back on Bill's neck and left bright red marks, then disappeared from my sight. 

I fell to my knees and held my chest, there was an inexplicable pain coursing through my body, but it mainly hurt my heart.

I'll admit Bill was... okay? He wasn't entirely the best, but to me he was nice. He cared about me.. like the time in the forest and the time he took the fall when I landed on him. I was mad at that time, of course I was but it quickly faded when I saw the shards of glass that hugged onto the tank top and his skin, but I had to continue acting  like I hated his guts. 

I saw the way he would look at me so lovingly, but I was to blinded by a fake love. How didn't I notice how Pacifica always asked about the lasted news on Mabel... or the fact that she would stare only at Mabel when she was around. I was such a fool... why do I always love the wrong person.. and I proposed to Pacifica. Ugh!

So many thoughts flooded through my head as I made my way back to the shack, dragging my feet on the ground and shivering as the gentle snowflakes fell.

I ran looking desperately for Bill. I looked in every place he could be, from his favorite store to even every part of the forest. Where is he?!

I kept running, tears in my eyes until I heard someone yelling my name. I turned only to find a blonde headed female in a pink dress as she ran towards me. As much as I wanted to run away and ignore her, I stayed to listen.

When she finally caught up with me she started panting for air and looked at me with her teary stained blue eyes. I just stood there emotionless, waiting for her to talk.

"M-mabel... I'm... sorry! I never meant to hurt you! It's true, I loved you all along!! It's true!!" Tears steamed down her eyes as she grabbed my hands tightly in hers.

I wanted nothing more then to... push her away. She loved me? That's a lie.

"Is that it? I'm busy, I have to find Bi- hm?!" My eyes widened as she placed her lips on mine.

It felt so warm against my cold ones, I couldn't help but melt into the kiss as my hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. As I did so she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her body onto mine. I could practically feel the love coursing through her body. It felt warm and nice as I pulled her closer to my body. I felt loved again.

When we broke the kiss Pacifica was blushing a bright red while I simply chuckled about how cute that was. She simply smiled and pecked my cheek. "I'm really glad I have you Mabel... I'm sorry I dated your brother when I only wanted you all along. I love you.." Pacifica said softly. I smiled and we shared another loving kiss and others snowflake fell from the sky, and it felt just right.

I lay on the bed as Anhelo worked on unbuttoning my shirt. Once my chest was bare and exposed he smirked and licked his lips at the sight. "Mm~ all mine, I can't wait to try you on for size~" He said as he licked down my chest and sucked softly and gently. I looked up a him with a stoic face. "If you're going to fuck me just do it... I don't want fake love." Anhelo looked at me and his eyes flashed to red as he slapped me. "Don't tell me what to do!!! You pathetic human!!!" He said with a laugh. I simply trembled and cried silently as he started to jam his fangs into my sensitive flesh as I screamed and clung to the bed sheets panting heavily. I felt something course throughout my body. It felt like he was filling me up with something.  It hurt.. it hurt a lot!!!!!

He smirked as blood dripped from his puncture wounds. A blue liquid dripping from them as he smirked. "Hey, my beauty~ who's Dipper Pines~?"
I looked up at him and panted softly. "M-master.. Dipper Pines...? I don't know anyone by that name.. I only know my masters. Please master... make me feel good.." I said. Who was this Dipper Pines he spoke of? I had never heard that name. My minds had held no thoughts of a being named by that. All my life I had spent it by Anhelo's side, and my memory is never wrong, but why Pines..? Who was the person with the name Dipper Pines..? I desperately thought as my master smirked and pinned my wrists to the bed and kissed my hungrily which I kissed back and closed my eyes. Dipper Pines... who are you..?

//I'm sorry I haven't updated!!! I'm going to get to work on my other stories!!! Ciao!!!! Kisses from Ushi- chan!!! (-3-)/

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