Held For Ransom

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It was a normal day and I was outside walking my german shepherd, Sammie. She had just stopped to take care of her business and I noticed the hooded man who had been following us for quite some time, approach us. I had figured he just didn't want to be rude and pass us, so I didn't mind. Now as he was approaching us, I knew I was wrong.

I started to tug on Sammie's leash to get her to hurry up. When she wouldn't budge, I started to panic. I started to pull harder and as the man got closer, he took something out of his pocket. A gun. I screamed as he took aim and fired.


Hannah Jansen was 17, a senior in High School. Her family was rich, her dad was a lawyer and her mom, a heart surgeon. She was an only child, and had tons of friends at school. She wasn't the snobbish kind of rich girl. She was sweet and nice to everyone.

When Hannah was supposedly killed, everyone was devastated. Well, almost everyone. Her parents hired a detective to find out who did this, and they find out she wasn't killed, just kidnapped. Now everyone is working hard to find out who kidnapped her, before she really does die.

Meanwhile, Hannah is being held captive at her kidnapper's mansion. However, what happens when he claims he made a big mistake by kidnapping her? What was his big mistake? What happens when Hannah tries to trust him? Does she just get more hurt or can her mysterious kidnapper actually be trusted? Find out by reading Held For Ransom!

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