You first believed

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"It was you, who first believed and all that I made was made to be, it was you looking in my eyes, you held my hands and you showed me life and I've never been the same since you first believed.." You first believed by Hoku

-Flashback -

It all started one afternoon...

It was almost nightfall when Draco skirted his way towards the Lake. When he reached his spot, he sat comfortably on top of his favorite boulder. He inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the frigid evening air, his eyes automatically closing. For him, this place is one of his secret havens' in Hogwarts - a sanctuary where he can be himself without all the pretensions and pressures from the outside world. He loved this place, because every time he needs comfort and peace; it caters to him.

Slowly, he opened his weary eyes and held his cloak much tighter. The wind is blowing colder than usual, a sure sign that the season is about to change. Winter has always been his favorite season. It reminds him of what used to be good; his fond memories of childhood and how less complicated his life used to be. He shook his head to clear the depressing thoughts and took out his wand. He swished his wrist and muttered a silent charm that his Mum taught him. Tiny luminous light erupted from the tip and danced its way above the dark rippling waters. "Fire flies" he muttered.

A small smile curled up his lips as he watched the spectacle he made fondly. Every time he conjures these lights, it reminds him of the tale his Mum used to tell him back when he was just a little boy. According to legend; fireflies are one of the most loyal creatures that ever graced the face of the earth. Just like the human race, they also wait for their true love to come. They glide across the forest and dance among the trees. They flaunt their beautiful light, attracting their suitable mate. They spend their little time together, never leaving each other's side. And when the time comes when one of them dies, the other left behind won't even bother finding another mate. It will just bid its time, until it also succumbs to death.

He flicked his wand again, altering the color of the orbs, turning it into Slytherin green. He rested his elbows on top of his knees, his thoughts drifting towards the person he misses most, "I miss you Mum," he said dejectedly.


"Come on, what are you really up to?" Hermione mumbled, her eyes never leaving her arch nemesis slumped form.

It has been a month since she started following Draco Malfoy and up to this point; she hasn't seen anything unusual. At first, her main purpose of following the git is to check if he's dipping his fingers into something that can incriminate him. But much to her chagrin, his foot didn't even cross a single line. She was ready to put a stop to her Sherlock gig, but for some unfathomable reason, every time she sees him head to the lake - her feet seems to follow.

Every day, before dusk, he heads towards the same place. He climbs up the big boulder near the shore and perch himself on top. He will then pull his wand and point it towards the water - creating pretty little orbs that seem to dance above the rippling surface. She's always been puzzled about those lights, wondering how he was able to create something so beautiful, yet he's been nothing but foul and loathsome.

"An enigma, that's what he is," she said as she tore her eyes away from him. She adjusted her cloak and checked her watch, "Blimey! It's almost dinner, where did the time go?" she muttered as she spun on her heels and made her way back to the castle.

After the evening feast, Hermione decided to swing by the library to make some changes to her Potions essay. Ginny volunteered to accompany her, but knowing her friend's short attention span, she declined politely.

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