Starting over again

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"And now we're starting over again, it's not the easiest thing to do. I'm feeling inside again 'cause every time I look at you. I know we're starting over again, this time we'll love all the pain away, welcome home my lover and friend, we are starting over again..." Starting over again by Natalie Cole

"Where have you been? I thought you'll just be gone for a few minutes, it's been a bloody hour!"

Draco plopped down beside his fuming cousin, "I did what I came here to do," he replied smugly.

Luci's eyes widened in surprise, "You did? How did it go?"

"I saw her while I was taking my walk. I went to her and pretty much forced her to talk."

She blinked a few times and seemed to be digesting what he just said. After a few beats, a beautiful smile curled on her lips. "You did not!" she said, her voice full of glee.

"I just did," he confirmed.

"Let's toast to that," she said as she lifted her glass towards him.

He leaned forward and grabbed his goblet from the table, "To second chances," he announced.

She carefully tipped her glass towards him, "To love," she added.

He moved his goblet to his lips, his eyes straying towards Hermione. "To love," he repeated lowly.


"I think I should go home," Hermione whispered towards Ginny.

"It's still early," Ginny pouted.

She shifted on her seat, "I just - I can't stop thinking about Blaise. I feel so guilty; I'm no longer enjoying this party."

Ginny turned towards her, "Don't feel guilty about following your heart. You've waited for this for Merlin knows how long, you have every right to be happy," she chided. She then emptied her drink and placed it on top of the table, "I'll tell Harry that were leaving, give me 5 minutes," she said as she stood up.

She grabbed Ginny's arm, "There's no need for that; you two can stay. I'll just use the floo so I don't have to walk to the gates."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind, I'm sure Harry feels the same way too."

She stood up from her seat and threw the red head an assuring smile, "I'm 100% sure. You stay here, I'll go find Harry and Ron and tell them myself."

Ginny pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight, we'll talk tomorrow. Don't worry your pretty head about it too much; things would work themselves out - eventually."

"I'll try my best, goodnight," she said as she pulled away. She then spun on her heels and made her way towards her other best friends. She stopped at Harry's back and tapped him on the shoulder, "Harry," she called out.

Harry turned around, "Hey gorgeous," he said with a huge grin.

"I have to go, I'm calling it early. I already told Gin."

The grin on Harry's face vanished and was instantly replaced with concern, "Are you feeling alright? Did something happen?"

"No, everything is fine. I'm just tired," she replied. She then gestured towards the double doors, "I'm going to floo home, I'll talk to you soon," she added.

"I really can't convince you to stay?"

She took a step back and shook her head, "Nope," she replied.

"Hey, what are you two talking about?"

She turned her face to the side and saw Ron looking at her with furrowed brows, "I'm going home," she replied.

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