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"They say bad things happen for a reason, but no wise words going to stop the bleeding. 'Cause she's moved on, while I'm still grieving. And when a heart breaks no it don't break even..." Breakeven by The Script

Draco popped back to the Manor and quickly padded to his room. He carefully placed all his purchases into his walk in closet and closed the door with a loud bang. He walked towards his bed and sat down; he braced his hands on his knees and buried his face into his palms. He couldn't believe what he just saw; Blaise, Hermione and a little boy - a perfect picture of a happy family. "Fuck this!" he said gruffly. He knew that this would happen. He knew that there is a huge chance that she might be married. What he didn't expect is for her to end up with one of his closest friends. He angrily yanked his hands off his face and let it hang limply between his legs, "You're okay and it's just shock taking over. You're happy for her, she finally has a family - she's happy," he said to himself. He shook his head to clear his murderous thoughts, "Blaise is a good man, you did the right thing - they're happy, so you will back off" he said loudly, trying his best to convince himself that his eyes is not heating up with incoming tears. He collapsed back on his bed and pressed the heel of his hands to his eyes, "You will be okay," he whispered.


"Come in," he called out.

"Trinky is sorry to disturb master, but master is having a letter and Trinky is having your letter sir..." the tiny elf squeaked nervously.

"It's alright," he sighed.

Trinky walked towards him and handed him a letter with a bow.

He retrieved the letter from the elf's shaking hands, "Thank you Trinky," he said with a small smile.

Trinky's eyes widened in shock, "It's my most pleasure to serve you. Is Master Draco wanting anything sir?" she asked.

He shook his head, "No Trinky that's all, you can go now."

Trinky bowed lowly before she vanished with a loud crack, leaving him alone again. He turned his attention to the letter in his hand and noticed a familiar seal. He tore the envelop open and started scanning the parchment. His brows furrowed at every word he read, "Masquerade Ball, December 25th - are you kidding me?" he huffed. He threw the letter on the bed and stood up from his perch; he walked towards the window and slipped his hands inside his pockets.


"Uncle George - Uncle Fred!" James yelled loudly.

George's head instantly poked out from one of the shelves; "Jamie baby! You're here!" he grinned.

James ran towards his red-haired uncle and flung his tiny arms around him excitedly.

George scooped him off the floor, "How's my favorite nephew?"

"I'm you're only nephew!" James giggled.

"You're too smart for your own good," George said as he flicked his nose.

"Of course he'd be Mr. Smarty Pants, looks like he's been hanging out with the biggest smarty pants of it all," Fred said as he gestured towards the door with a wide grin.

"Ha, ha, very funny" Hermione said.

Fred made his way towards her and pulled her into a bear hug, "Long time no see Ms. Know-it-all" he said as lifted her feet off the ground. "What have you been eating? You're quite heavy" he joked.

She laughed as she swatted the back of his head, "Are you calling me fat?"

"Hush Freddy, you shouldn't call Hermione fat in front of Charming" George said while pointing towards Blaise.

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