Haven't stopped loving you

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"I'm happy for you, it seems you're doing well, you're seeing someone new. Me, you know me, fooling around with every pretty girl I see. But what am I saying, who am I fooling? So before I let you go, I just think that you should know that I haven't stopped loving you..." I haven't stopped loving you by Janno Gibbs

Hermione slept over at Harry and Ginny's house while Ron went home to Lavender's with the promise that he'll be joining them tomorrow to get James his birthday gift. The sun was just starting to show over the horizon when she felt small arms wound around her waist, she shifted to lie on her back and opened her sleep laden eyes.

James small cheery face filled with excitement popped to her vision, "Auntie Mione, you're up!" he cheered before planting a wet kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning sweetheart," she yawned. She rubbed the remnants of sleep from her eyes as peeked at the clock, "It's just half past 7, you're up early" she mumbled.

"I slept early last night" he shrugged his shoulders.

She can't help but giggle at the boy's response, there's really no denying that he is his Mum's son - Ginny used to talk exactly like that when they were still little.

"Mum told me to get you, breakfast is ready"

"Thank you, sweetheart. Go on down and have breakfast, we'll be going to Diagon Alley in a few," she winked.

He threw his arms around her again and hugged her tightly, "Yey!" he squealed.

She slipped her hands to his waist and started tickling him, making the boy hoot in laughter.

"S - stop, Auntiieeeeee!" he giggled as he tried pushing her hands away.

"Someone's having fun."

She turned her face to the side and saw her best friend standing by the door. She grabbed a pillow and chucked it towards his direction, a playful smile pasted on her lips.

"Ha! Is that the best you've got?" Harry taunted as he waved the pillow triumphantly.

"Damned Seekers reflex," she mumbled. She lazily pushed the duvet off her body and sat up, "Guess you still have the moves, Mr. Seeker."

"Runs in the family," he replied smugly.

"You sounded exactly like Ginny, you two are so alike it scares me sometimes," she said.

He smiled cheekily, "It scares me too, don't worry."

She rolled her eyes as she planted her feet on the floor, "I better fix myself, I don't want to keep break - no, Gin waiting" she said. She plucked her bag and made her way towards the bathroom, "Oh, I'm dropping by Fred and George's store later, I haven't seen those two in ages" she paused and furrowed her brows in confusion. "Wait, aren't you too overdressed for breakfast?" she asked as she gave him a quick once over.

"Finally caught on, have you" he said. He folded his arms on top of his chest and leaned sideways on the door, "I have to attend an early meeting with Kingsley today and Ginny have to run some errands in Hogsmeade" he explained. "Err - since you would be taking James today; would it possible to keep him with you for a few of more hours? Molly and Arthur left for Romania last night and -"

She lifted her hand to cut his rant off, "Of course, it's alright. I wanted to spend more quality time with my favorite guy and you just gave me that opening" she replied. She then turned her gaze towards the grinning boy sitting on top of the covers, "We're going to have so much fun, sweetheart" she grinned.

James nodded frantically as he hopped off the bed, "I'm going to get breakfast and get ready - yey Diagon Alley!" he hollered as he ran towards his Father.

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