Hanging by a moment

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"I'm falling even more in love with you. Letting go of all I've held onto. I'm standing here until you make me move. I'm hanging by a moment here with you..." Hanging by a moment by Lifehouse

Zabini Manor - Italy:

"Blaise, you daft prick get the bloody hell up!"

"Go away!" Blaise grumbled as he burrowed deeper under the comforter.

Theo stomped towards the bed and unceremoniously yanked the comforter off his sulking friend, "Get up or I swear to Merlin, I will hex your bollocks off!"

He turned to his side and covered his face with his arm, "What the bloody hell do you want?"

Theo folded his arms on top of his chest, "Your Mum called me and told me you've been drowning yourself in fire whiskey, what happened?" he demanded.

"She's exaggerating, I only had a few bottles - I'm okay, now go away and let me sleep."

"There are 5 empty bottles on the floor, that's a lot," Theo said.

"Stop asking me, I'm not going to answer your questions," he said petulantly before covering his head with a pillow.

Theo sat at the foot of the bed and crossed his legs, "Draco is back, did you know? The prat finally showed his arse after 4 sodding years and didn't have the decency to tell us," he huffed.

'Wish he didn't come back at all," he grumbled.

"What did you say?"

He tore the pillow off his face and sat up, "Nothing."

Theo turned towards him, "We have to see the prat," he said.

"I already saw him last night, why don't you go see him yourself."

Theo cocked his head to the side, confusion evident on his face, "What? Where? And why do you sound pissed?"

He rolled out of the bed, "The reunion, the one you ditched," he replied curtly. He then hefted himself up and started making his way towards the loo, his whole body humming with a combination of anger and annoyance.

"I didn't know he's going to be there. Did you take Granger with you?"

"Yeah," he replied before he disappeared from view.

"What the hell is wrong with you, mate? You're acting kind of weird," Theo called out.

"Nothing is wrong, Theo, so just drop it."

"Okay I'll drop it, for now. Go take a shower and meet me downstairs, your house elves prepared breakfast."

He stood under the warm cascading waters and braced his hands on the wall, "Fine, be there in a few," he called out.


He closed his eyes and titled his face towards the shower, "Fuck."


"We're here."

Hermione opened her eyes and slowly took in her surroundings, "How did you -"

"Ginny - do you like it?" he asked.

"I love it!" she exclaimed. She then turned around to face him, "Thank you for this, Dray. This means so much to me," she said earnestly.

"You're welcome. I know how you always miss them and how much you love this place, I'm glad you like it."

She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his cheek, "Thank you again," she repeated. She then threw him a megawatt smile, "Are you ready to meet my parents?"

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