Here we are

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"Here we are once again, but this time we're only friends. Funny world sometimes lies become the game, when love's the prize. And though no one knows what's going on inside and all the love I feel for you is something I should hide, when I have you close to me the feeling's so sublime that there's nothing I can do to keep from loving you..." Here we are by Gloria Estefan

The crowd instantly fell silent as heads turned towards the direction that their Head Master pointed at. After a couple of seconds, applause commenced as the crowd started to part like the red sea, giving Hermione a first glimpse of Draco Malfoy for the first time in four years.

Draco smiled at Albus graciously, raising his champagne flute as a sign of acknowledgement and respect.

"Now that everyone has been reacquainted, I urge you all to don your mask so we can commence with tonight's festivities. I bid you all a Happy Christmas and may you all have fun." Albus said before disapparating on the spot with flourish.

The crowd started clapping again, but Hermione didn't seem to hear a thing. She stood rooted on the ground, staring unseeingly at the throng of people walking around the hall.

Blaise just charmed his mask on when he noticed his date zoning out, "Are you okay?" he asked.

She swallowed thickly, "Y - yes," she paused to look at him. "Why are you wearing your mask?"

"Dumbledore just asked us to start wearing it," Blaise replied. He then pulled a small button from his pocket and transfigured it back to a mask, "Here you go," he said.

"Okay," she replied. She accepted the mask from him and gently pressed it to her face, activating the sticking charm with skin contact.

"Still lovely as ever," Blaise said.

"Err - thanks, you too," she replied absentmindedly. Her eyes then made an involuntary quick sweep through the crowd, looking for Draco's familiar face.

Blaise seemed oblivious with her internal struggle, "Dumbledore went all out for this, I don't know how he managed to convince Draco to come," he said. When he didn't receive an immediate response, he turned his face towards her, his brows furrowed. "Hermione, are you really feeling well?"

Her head snapped back to face him, "Y - yes, I'm okay," she stuttered.

He lifted his hand to cup her face, "Are you sure? You look a little pale," he said with concern.

She placed her hand on top of his, "I'm good, just a little bit overwhelmed with the crowd, I guess," she lied. She squeezed his hand and gently pulled it off her face, "You're right, Dumbledore went all out - everything looks stunning."

Blaise smiled as he laced their fingers together, "I'm really glad you're here."

She felt a familiar tingling on her spine, compelling her to turn around. Before her brain can catch up with her body, she found herself looking at the eyes she dreamed of seeing for years.


Draco's heart is hammering inside his chest, making beads of sweat pool on top his upper lips. When he first caught sight of her, he had to do a double take to make sure it was really her - she looked really different tonight. The old Hermione wouldn't have dared to wear such revealing gown, but based on how she carried herself, he could safely say that a lot have changed. He swallowed thickly as he continued to study her appearance; the emerald silk gown she wore clung to her curves like second skin, emphasizing her best features. Yes, there is a lot of skin exposed from the low cowl neckline and the thin criss-crossed strap at the back that held the dress, but she still managed to make it look classy rather than indecent. Even the high slit on her thigh that showcased her alabaster leg didn't even make her look slutty, "Merlin, those legs - they look like they'd go on forever!" he thought.

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