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"Something always brings me back to you it never takes too long. No matter what I said or do, I still feel you here till the moment I'm gone. You hold me without touch, you keep me without chains I never wanted anything so much but to drown in your love and to feel your pain..." Gravity by Sarah Bareilles

Ring... Ring... Ring

Hermione's eyes fluttered open as a loud groaned escaped her lips. She grabbed one of her pillows and covered her head, trying to stifle the annoying sound.

Ring... Ring... Ring

She swore inaudibly and flung her blanket off her body. She got out of bed and sluggishly made her way towards the sitting room.

Ring... Ring...Ring

"Bloody hell, I'm coming!" she shrieked at the offending device. She irritably snatch the phone from its cradle and spoke, "Hello?" she said hoarsely.

"Morning sweetheart, are you already up? Happy Christmas!" A cheery voice asked.

She plopped down on the couch and started massaging her temples, "Morning, Golden Boy - Happy Christmas too," she replied. She then turned her face to the side to check the time, "Why in Merlin's name are you calling me this early?"

"Sorry Hun, I know you're still thrashed from last night," Harry said with a chuckle.

"Ha, ha - funny, really. For your information, I was not trashed last night, just got a little tipsy," she said sarcastically.

"If you say so, I won't argue with you at all."

"Out with it Potter, what's the real reason why you called?" she asked.

He sighed, "Fine, Ginny asked me - no badgered me to call you. She wants me to remind you that the Ball is tonight," he replied.

Hermione frowned, "What do you mean tonight?" she asked confusedly.

"It's tonight, Hermione, it's the 25th - you forgot didn't you?"

She closed her eyes tightly and mentally cursed, "I did," she admitted. She leaned back on her seat and let out an audible sigh, "Look, can you just tell Ginny that-"

"Na-ah, you're going. Your Headgirl so you're obliged to go. I'll drag you if I have to and you know I'm not kidding," Harry interjected.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, I was not backing out," she huffed.


Her eyes snapped open when she realized something, "Oh crap!"


She shot up from her seat and started pacing, "I totally forgot to buy a dress!" she said, panic evident in her voice.

"Don't worry your pretty head about it, love, Ginny has you covered. My wife knew you didn't shop for a gown, so she took the liberty to buy you one," he chuckled. "As a matter of fact, it's being delivered as we speak - hold on," he paused. "Ginny! I'm talking to Mione, do you want to talk to her?"

"Yes, hold on," Ginny's voice echoed from the background.

"I'll let you talk to her, here she comes," Harry said.

"Happy Christmas, Mione!" Ginny chirped.

She moved back to the couch and sat down, "Happy Christmas Gin," she replied.

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