Heart of the matter

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"I've been trying to live without you now but I miss you baby. The more I know the less I understand all the things I thought I figured out, I have to learn again..." Heart of the matter by Indie Arie

Things changed drastically after Hermione's sudden realization. One night of crying was all it took to free her from the prison she created over the years. The weight she carried on her shoulders seemed to vanish like a puff of smoke, making her more bright eyed than her usual morose self. Weeks passed by and she knew that she's slowly getting there. She caught up with her friends and made more effort into getting to know Blaise. Being with the man who pursued her relentlessly helped boost her self confidence and whether she admits it or not she started to fancy the bloke a little bit. It's not the same feeling she used to have for Draco, but there's something there - she's just not sure if it's enough to reciprocate Blaise's.


Hermione dashed out her room and ran towards the telephone, "Hello?"

"Good morning Beautiful," a sexy voice drawled.

"Good morning Blaise," she snorted.

Blaise chuckled, "What time should I pick you up?" he asked.

She rolled her eyes, "You don't have to pick me up, I have feet. Merlin, you guys are driving me bonkers! I'll just meet you there at 3 o'clock," she said with finality.

He laughed, "Okay, you're still bloody stubborn. I'm just trying to be a gentleman here, well, I guess I'll just see you later then, be safe."

"Be safe too, I'll see you in a few hours, bye!" she chirped. She then carefully placed the phone back to the receiver and grabbed her purse. "It's going to be a long day, but it might be worth it" she assured herself as she made her way to the hearth.


It's been a month since Draco came back and he still hasn't seen any of his childhood friends. It's not that he's avoiding them; it's simply because he doesn't have the time. Ever since he came back, he's been busy planning and working on the shop that his Mother convinced him to set up. Yes, Narcissa Malfoy was able to convince her son to branch out his Specialized Potions Shop in London. She even had the audacity to scout for potential locations in both in Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley. She was adamant that he settle for the grandest out of the spots they visited, but he politely declined. He knew the odds. If he chose Diagon Alley, the tendency of running into Hermione and Blaise was really big and he couldn't afford that yet. Yes, he already accepted the truth and finally let it penetrate through his thick skull that they were never getting back together, that she's happy with his friend. Yes, he's still not thrilled about it and it still hurts him like hell, but what choice does he really have? He might as well make do with keeping his distance and watch her from afar.

Setting up his business took most of his time; work always had a way of making him forget. Days started bleeding together and before he knew it, it's already time to open his doors to London's Wizarding World. In a few hours, he'd be the talk of the town again and as much as he despise being under the lime light, he just have to suck it up and paste a smile on his face. He slipped the parchment into the letter holster on Eros leg, "Take this to Ginny Potter," he said.

Eros hooted loudly before gracefully flying into the frigid morning light.

Draco braced his hands on the window, "A couple of hours left," he mumbled.


Ginny was making breakfast when she heard loud tapping sounds coming from the window. She immediately recognized the bird and quickly retrieved the letter. She patted the fowls head and fetched him a piece of bacon; the owl nipped her hand affectionately before it flew away. She hurriedly opened the parchment and read through its contents; "He's finally home!" she shrieked with excitement.

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