Valentines Date Ruined

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"I can't fucking believe it!" he cussed as you two walked through the front door of his flat. "The first Valentine's day I'm actually home, and they just had to come out and ruin everything!" Louis threw his arms up into the air as you let out a sigh.

"Louis, I still had a wonderful time, I don't know how many times I have to tell you that," you spoke softly, trying to balance his angry tone out.

After dinner, the two of you had headed towards the park for an evening stroll, thinking it would be a wonderful idea. That was the last thing it was. Not five minutes within getting there, camera flashes had already begun to come from the bushes, and questions began flying from every which way.

Louis was immediately agitated, and the whole way home, he kept mumbling how this day was ruined. This must have been at least the 40th time you had reminded him that even though the last portion hadn't gone that smoothly, you had still experienced something no one else could give you.

"Still (Y/N)! I wanted everything to be perfect!" he exclaimed, walking upstairs. You decided to let him cool off, staying downstairs in the kitchen. You heard the shower go off, and decided it was okay to go upstairs to change.

Changing into one of his t-shirts and a pair of shorts, you sat down on the bed and turned on the TV, putting it on some random movie.

Louis came out of the shower shortly after, running a hand through his hair and mumbling incoherently. All you did was watch him defeated, knowing nothing could really help him right now. Hopefully by tomorrow he would have cooled down enough.

Seeing him so upset really wasn't something you were good at dealing with. All you could really do was just reassure the boy that everything was okay and that no matter what had happened, you were just happy that he was finally home to spend it with you.

A couple of hours later, things had settled down a little bit. The two of you were just laying in bed, his fingers gently playing with your hair as a method of calming down.

"I'm a terrible boyfriend..." he mumbled, a loud sigh escaping his lips afterwards.

That was it, you had had it with his negative attitude towards the lovely night and you weren't going to let him continue.

"Louis Tomlinson, you listen right now! You are NOT a terrible boyfriend; you're an amazing boyfriend! You've given me more tonight than any other guy has given me over the span of a whole relationship! Tonight was the farthest thing from ruined. I actually got to talk to you, and listen to all your stories! I don't think I ever knew that you had such a serious side to you! Actually getting to sit down and talk to you means more to me than anything in the entire world! I don't care that we were bombarded by cameras, I got to spend time with my boyfriend, and that's all I could have ever asked for Lou..." you said, taking a deep breath at the end of the speech, looking at him with big eyes.

The room grew silent for a couple minutes as he just stared at you, quite possible in shock from your little outburst. You never really raised your voice at all.

"(Y/N)..." he mumbled out, but you cut him off by crashing your lips onto his, holding his face tightly. It took a couple of seconds, but he quickly managed to kiss you back, putting his arms around your waist.

"Is that reassuring enough?" you breathed out after pulling back, getting a simple nod in return. "Good..."

He didn't say another word about that evening, just taking in all that you had said and finally realizing that company was the best gift he could have gotten you.

Louis Tomlinson Imagines and Preferences Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon