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His phone kept buzzing on the coffee table as he sat on the living room floor with the youngest daughter of the Tomlinson clan. He had a crayon in his hand and a piece of paper settled on the carpet between his straightened legs. He could hear your eldest daughter in the kitchen with you, helping with the dinner, and he could just make out your conversation among the constant clatter of plates and saucepans and the rummage of the metal cutlery.

He lifted the paper from the carpet, and crossed his ankles as he watched his youngest continue to draw. The circles and other geometric shapes on the page making him smile softly. Her hair was soft and wispy, and it fell down the sides of her face in small strands. She was only 3, with a year to go before she started schooling. His eldest was 16 and going into college, and he wanted to savour every moment with his youngest before she grew up into an independant young woman.

"Daddy?" She wondered as she dropped her crayon and tapped at his ankle, her eyes staring at him softly. "Why is it making a funny noise?" She whispered, as she climbed up onto his denim short clad thighs. Her legs swinging to the side and stopping by his hip, as he held onto her.

"Probably just some work calls, poppet. Nothing for you to worry your pretty little mind about" Louis grinned, as he nuzzled his lips into her hair. It smelt like strawberries and baby oil; the strawberry shampoo was her favourite, and the baby oil, to you, made her skin soft and smooth. "Now... What have you drawn for Daddy, hmm?" He wondered, as she looked to the paper and then back to her father. Ignoring his question as she grew more curious.

"But, Daddy... Work is important" She stated, as Louis pinched her nose lightly and chuckled as she scrunched her facial features. "Why won't you talk to your work?" She wondered, as Louis looked at her, and nudged his nose to her cheek.

"Because Daddy wants to spend some time with his three favourite girls with no interruptions" He grinned, as he growled softly against her skin and laughed when she squealed. "Can't Daddy do that, hmm? He wants to spend some family time with you. Not having to worry about work" He smiled, as his young daughter placed her hands on his cheeks.

"But Daddy, work is important. Mummy tells us that!" She gasps, as Louis sighed and ran a hand up her back.

"Daddy's work is important, poppet. But, he wants to spend some time with you, and your sister and your Mummy. They just need to get that, okay?" Louis smiled, as she climbed from his lap and crawled to the place where her paper had been laid. "Now, what have you drawn for Daddy, hm?" He smiled, as he shuffled across the floor and laid on his side with an elbow propping him up.

"That's Uncle Harry, and that one is Uncle Liam. And then the one with the football is you and the one in goal is Uncle Niall" She grinned, as she pointed to each one individually. Her small finger tapping at the paper on the floor. "Do you like it, Daddy?" She whispered, as she looked to him. Her eyes staring at him as he nodded.

"I love it, poppet. We should get it copied in Daddy's office and we can give it to your Uncles'! How does that sound, yeah?" Louis suggested, as his youngest leapt onto his body and hugged him tightly.

"I love you, Daddy! That's the best idea!"

• • • •

"Louis, babe? What's wrong?" You wondered, as you walked into his office with a mug of tea and a plate of his favourite biscuits. "I was about to head to bed but I saw the light on and figured you could use a tea" You smiled, as he dropped the drawing onto the desk and sat up in his chair. His eyes were stinging as you walked over, and placed the plate and mug beside it. "What's wrong, babe?"

"It's stupid" He muttered, as he picked up a biscuit and took a bite from it. Crumbs sticking to the corners of his lips and falling onto his tee. "Just.. Forget it. Let me take my tea to bed" He smiled, as he stood from the leather chair and grabbd the mug.

"Louis, sit down. Just tell me. It's okay" You smiled, as you reached for his hand and squeezed it. "Is it about her drawing? It's adorable. Why has it upset you?" You whispered, as you ran your thunb over the back of his hand. He sighed and looked at you, before he looked to the drawing and then to his closed laptop. "What's happened?" You asked, slower and your eyes cast to the laptop on his desk. "Not more drama on Twitter, Louis? Surely not. I thought we were passed this!" You hissed, as you stood up and dug the heels of your hands into your eyes.

"How can I not retaliate back when they're clearly being rude and disrespectful about my wife and my two girls? He's an ignorant pig. He got what he fuckin' wanted, and I don't see why he's still picking holes!" Louis yelled, as he lifted the lid of his laptop and typed in his password.

"Louis! I'm not interested! You should know by now, not to retaliate to hate! It's child-like!" You hissed, as he stared at you. His face lit from the screen of the laptop window. "I'm sorry... That was uncalled for. I just wish, Louis, that you didn't get to upset with this. It hurts to see you involved in stuff like this" You sighed, as you perched yourself against the desk beside his chair. He looked to his hands as you ran your fingers throigh his hair. "Who's he, anyway?"

"That Naughty Boy prick. I posted a photo of her drawing, tagging the lads in it, and he just had to comment and be rude. He can be rude and nasty to me. He can call me names and do anything to me. But for him to insult my daughter, it crosses the line" Louis sighed, as your eyes skimmed over the small Twitter dispute shown on the laptop window. "If he insults any of my family, I'm going to stick up for you! You're my wife and those 2 girls upstairs are my daughters. No one, and I mean no one, gets to make them feel unwanted, disrespected or even depressed" Louis sighed, as you closed your eyes and felt a hand on your knee.

"We love you, Louis. And us three girls love that we have a man who can take care of us and be our big and supportive rock. Your two girls adore you, babe. I adore you" You whispered, gripping his hand and squeezing it. "Don't let his cruel words get you down, because at the end of the day, you have a family to relax with. You have 2 girls who would do anything for you. You have a wife who adores you with all her heart" You grinned, as he smiled widely and rolled his eyes playfully.

"I suppose I do... More than what he has" Louis smirked, as he logged out of his Twitter and closed his laptop. "Now let me show you, just how much I adore you back!" He smirked, and stood up, picking his mug of tea up and taking a large gulp from the liquidy content.

"Or we could just do it in your office? The girls are asleep upstairs. We need to be quiet, but... They won't hear a thing since we down here" You smirked, as you stood up straighter. Your hands played with the waistband of his shorts as he smirked and placed his mug down.

"The office it is..."

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