Broken Ankle

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Standing there in the crowd was something you loved doing. Just because you were Louis' girlfriend didn't mean you needed to stay backstage and hidden away from the atmosphere he got to endure every night on the world tour. You loved to stand with the fans, close to the stage, interact with them and laugh with them as you listened to your boyfriend and his best friends tease one another or just have general conversations from either side of the stage. The fans had always taken well to you, because in a way you were the girl version of Louis. Yes, he found it weird when people told him 'you are dating you', but in the long run he knew you were exactly like him. And that was probably what made the both of you click together in the first place.

As you settled in a place beside the middle of the catwalk, Sophia gripped hold of you hand as fans began to push and shove their way to the front. You could tell some were excited to be standing even remotely close to you, and some were peeved that you were there yet again. But the comments never got you, because you loved seeing Louis up there and rocking out, having the time of his life.

"(Y/N), could I ask you something?" Someone wondered, as you turned your head to look at the young teenage girl standing amongst her friends. She had a massive grin on her face as she held forward her phone, her eyes pleading as you shuffled a little closer to where she was so you could hear her over the clamour of fans. "Can we take a selfie? I really adore you and Louis together and I ship you so hard. It would mean the utmost world to me!"

A blush crept its way onto your cheeks as you stepped closer to her, your head nodding as she let out a light squeal and raised her phone up in front of you. You pulled a swift 'peace sign' pose with a wide eyed smile as she snapped the photo of the both of you, and gave you a hug.

"Thank you! Have a good time tonight. Louis' amazing at what he does. You're so lucky," she whispered on your ear, her palm rubbing your back softly as you gave her a pat on the back followed by a kiss on the cheek. "Do you know roughly what time they come on tonight? It's just, my friend is getting really antsy and she can't wait to see them. It's her first time," the fan laughed, as you looked over to her blushing friend. Her legs bending up and down as she stared anxiously at the stage, waiting for them to come on.

"We just left them as they were getting their microphones ready, and their in ears set up. So, I should say give them 5 to 10 minutes. You know the boys, always late," you giggled, as Sophia sided up beside you and showed you a text from Liam. Your eyes widening as your mouth fell into an 'o' shape. "I take that back. Louis won't be on stage tonight..." You muttered, as you began to climb over the barrier to get out of the fan crowd and right backstage to Louis. The text imprinted on your mind as Preston followed quickly behind you.

Louis' done something to his ankle. Get (Y/N) backstage now. He's proper in pain and asking for her. Liam. Xx

* *

"Are we ready lads?" Harry barked cheekily, setting Lux back on the ground as she toddled off towards her mother. It was the first show of the Honda Civic tour, and San Francisco was warm and humid. The sleeves of his jumper were rolled up, accompanied by his black jeans and brown boots. "Tommo! C'mon! Your girlfriend is out there waiting," he laughed, as Louis hobbled into the small section backstage, a pained expression on his face as he eventually joined the lads with their pre-show tradition.

"Coming, coming. Just, taking it easy," Louis muttered, as he fell to the plastic chair that would usually have the microphone box sitting on top of it. "Ankle's a bit painful tonight. I twisted it earlier when me and (Y/N) were playing footie. Should be fine though. I 'm just going to take it easy tonight," he smiled, taking the microphone that Niall was holding out to him. He wasn't worried, per say, but he knew that a twisted ankle should hurt this long. He'd done it a few minutes into your little game, and that was just before you settled in Sarah's Kitchen for lunch.

"Louis, mate... It's swollen. You really should get it looked at," Liam stated, his eyes bulking out as he looked to the ankle that was showing from his rolled up jeans. The tanned skin that was usually there was now a lump and slightly blue. "It really shouldn't look like that, Louis. If it hurts during the show, you need to take a breather. Okay? The fans will understand," he added, as he clapped Louis on the shoulder and helped the man stand up from the chair.

"I will. I promise."

As Niall lead the four of them out of the small backstage area and onto the rising platform, Louis fell. His ankle giving way and his body plummeted to the ground, with a strangled and disgruntled groan leaving his throat. All eyes turned to him, his body curled on the grey and slightly dusty concrete floor, his hands curled around his ankle as his body shook with a few sobs.

And that's when the boys knew.

It wasn't just a twisted ankle. He'd broken it. The swollen skin that Liam had pointed out wasn't just swelling; it was a clean broken bone. The hobbling and whining that he'd carried out when Harry called him wasn't just from slight pain, it was from a lot of pain. As Niall jumped over the railing of the stagnant platform, he immediately crouched down beside Louis, a hand rubbing his back, and his other reaching for his bottle of water. Harry had taken off to the kitchen, to grab an ice pack from Sarah; no doubt she would have something frozen to settle upon Louis' broken ankle till he arrived at the hospital. Liam was sliding his phone from his pocket, his thumbs typing away at light speed at a text he would assuredly send to Sophia as soon as.

"I need (Y/N). Please," Louis sobbed from the pain, his grip tightening on the ankle he'd most definitely broken. "Someone please get my girlfriend! For god sake, I want her here!" He cried out angrily, his voice slightly muffled from where he had his chin tucked down to his chest, but still visible and audible of the anger and emotion he was feeling. "And someone bring me a fuckin' bucket. I'm going to be sick," he groaned, as Niall's eyes widened.

* *

"Louis, baby!"

His head snapped up from where it was dipped down to his chest. Your frantic looking face coming into view as you pushed past the crew members and fell to your knees beside his propped up leg. His cheeks were slightly tear stained and you just wanted to give him a slap over the underside of his head. You told him he needed to get it checked out at the hospital, or even the medics on the tour, but he wasn't having it. He insisted on a twisted ankle.

"Baby, I told you. I told you to get it looked at, didn't I?" You muttered, carefully pulled at the laces of his black Vans. He winced at the slightest tug to his ankle, and his hand immediately went to grip your forearm, his eyes full of pain and his fingers curled tightly around your wrist. "Louis, I need to get the shoe off. Where's the ice? Has anyone gone t-"

"I have it! I have it. It's frozen vegetables that Sarah had in the freezer, but she said they'll do until you get him to the hospital," Harry said, as he rushed over with a green bag of frozen vegetables in his hold. "There you go. You take him now. We can get through without him. The fans will understand, okay?" He watched as Louis shook his head, a scared and child-like look crossing his features. His lips pouting and his nose scrunching as you slide his shoe from his foot, followed by his Spiderman sock.

"I don't want to go to the hospital. Needles. And blood. And they might cut my foot off," he panicked, his bottom lip wobbling as he looked to you with a look of hope in his eye; hope that he didn't have to go to the hospital and that he foot would magically heal by itself. "Your kisses are good for curing sickness. Kiss my ankle!" He pleased, grabbing your hand. "Anything. Just don't make me go to the hospital!"

"Louis, baby, you need to go. I'll be there with you the whole time. I promise. It's okay. I won't let them cut your foot off, yeah? I'll bitch slap them if I have too," you winked, standing up and pressing a kiss to the crown of his head. A calming demeanour washed over his body, as Harry and Liam proceeded to lift him off the ground and place him on a golf buggy so Alberto could drive the both of you to the car waiting at the back of the stadium.

"You won't leave me?" He whispered, as you pressed a warm kiss to his lips.

"I promise. I won't leave you alone, baby."

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