Chapter IV

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Chapter IV: 3rd PoV
Percy and Sally lived happily for a long while. She loved him like he was her own. But when he turned four, monsters began attacking.

First it was Percy's babysitter Kelli, then the snakes that tried to bite him during his nap time, after that, the man with one eye who followed him at school.

Sally didn't know what to do. She couldn't stay with Percy all day and protect him. After a couple months of these attacks a solution presented itself to Sally. A man at the hardware store next to the office she worked at asked her out.

Gabriel was a nice man, but Sally had no desire to be with him. However, he had a pungent odor that was bad enough to overpower Percy's scent.

He became Percy's step-father and everything was good, until it wasn't. Sally was fired from her position as a personal secretary and was forced to get a low paying job at a candy shop.

As they were forced to give up the standard of living that Gabe was accustomed to, he became crueler and crueler. Eventually he began hitting Sally.

She would do anything to protect Percy, so she put up with it. But unbeknownst to her, Gabe was also abusing Percy, badly.

One day she came home early from work and saw a horrific sight. Percy was on the floor, a gash in his back. Gabe was standing over him, knife in hand.

"Mommy! He said he would hurt you. Don't let him hurt you!"

The boy was nearly bleeding to death and he was still putting Sally first. She narrowed her eyes and drew out her dagger.

A missing persons report was filled that night, a Mr. Gabe Ugliano had mysteriously disappeared.

Line Break

Sally prayed for Hestia to come and heal Percy. The goddess's eyes burned with a cherry red flame when she heard of what Gabe had done, and she was very pleased when Sally had told her of what she did.

"I hope that bastard rots in Tartarus!" The normally peaceful goddess of the hearth said vehemently. Sally agreed wholeheartedly.

The two wondered what to do with Percy. After debating for a few minutes they decided camp would be the safest place for him.

After Hestia left, Sally sat Percy down on the couch. "Percy." She said gently, "You know the stories I used to tell you, about the gods and monsters and heroes?"

The six year old nodded slowly, staring at Sally with big doe eyes. His eyes had always fascinated Sally, they were kaleidoscope eyes, always changing color. However they often seemed to settle on a brilliant sea green.

"They're all real, and one of your parents is a god, or goddess. My grandmother was a daughter of Athena. Percy, it's not safe for you to be here anymore." She hoped with all her heart he would understand.

His eyes widened and began to water.

"No, no, no Percy. Don't cry! If I could I would keep you here forever. But you wouldn't be safe if I did."

She hugged him tightly. "Since you are half god there is a place for you to go and be safe. You can come and visit me whenever you want, but it the only place where you can be truly safe."

"I understand mom. I love you and I'll visit as much as I can." The boy didn't understand, but he knew he had to protect his mother, even if it meant he had to leave.

"Let's go then, if we leave now we can get there before tomorrow. It's for the best sweetheart."

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