Chapter XI

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Chapter XI: 3rd PoV
"And you're sure you don't know who your parent is?"

Percy sighed. Nico had been pestering him with questions the entire tour. "Yes Nico, just like you don't know. I've been here the longest and I haven't been claimed." As hard as he tried, Percy was unable to keep bitterness from tingeing his words.

"Is everyone from our cabin unclaimed of a child of Hermes?" Bianca had barely spoken before this, content to just take it all in.

This time, Percy was sure they could here his contempt for the gods. "No, if your parent isn't one of the Olympians then you don't have your own cabin."

"That's messed up." Nico commented. Percy laughed, the kid wasn't all that bad. He reminded Percy a lot of himself.

"That it is, Nico. That it is."

Percy forfeited his bed for the two siblings. Bianca insisted it wasn't necessary, but Percy knew he had to. He couldn't have the kids catching colds.

He didn't even sleep in the cabin that night, he stayed up talking with Katie and Lou Ellen. The daughter of Demeter had been getting really weird dreams lately. Percy was worried for her. She hadn't told him the details of the dreams, but she seemed shaken.

And that's what they did for the next few nights. They sat by Thalia's tree together, conversing for hours. The entire time, however, Percy couldn't stop thinking about 'Thalia'. She was one of his closest friends, he depended on her. And it had all been a lie.

"You alright Perce? You seem a little off." He was quick to nod. Of course everything was fine. Why wouldn't it be?

Kronos, that's why.

That next morning, all the campers gathered around Chiron as he announced important news.

"Campers, as many of you know, the Winter Solstice was yesterday. We have received an urgent message from the gods. Zeus's master bolt has been stolen. All campers are on lockdown. No one can come in, and no one can leave. The hunters of Artemis will reside with us until the bolt is found."

Chiron exchanged a dark look with Percy, his suspicions having been confirmed. Kronos was indeed rising.

"In happier news, tonight will be the traditional campers vs. hunters capture the flag match."

Almost everyone cheered, it was an exciting event. But Percy just stood motionless. He hoped a quest was issued soon, he had a personally vendetta against Kronos. And he was looking forward to settling in.

Hey guys, sorry for the relatively short chapter. The next one is going to be longer, we promise. The plot is going to be really different from the canon books in this. Imagine like a mash-up of the first three books for this first quest.

Anyway, signing off for now,
Marri and Peeves

Glory of Hera [On hold]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora