Chapter XXVII

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Chaper XXVII: 3rd PoV
Don't you dare forget me Perseus Jackson, not even for a moment."

Calypso's last words to him rung in Percy's ears. He sat in silence as the raft steered itself, the only sounds around him were the crashing waves. He was alone--just him and his thoughts.

The son of Hera's feelings on the ocean were mixed. He had always liked water; the way if looked, the way if felt as it surrounded his hands, the salty air that coursed through his lungs.

But there were also the waves, menacing and unfeeling. The harsh walls of water could take down an entire ship, could kill hoards of men. Yes, his uncle's domain had a definite dark side, and he was alone, directly in the middle of it.

The water was choppy today and, no matter how fast his magic raft was moving, it wasn't quick enough. The teen feared it would collapse, despite knowing full well it wouldn't.

So he hummed quietly to himself, a coping mechanism for his slight fear f the waves, and let his thoughts wash over him until his raft bumped in to the trash-ridden shores of the Hudson River.

He needed to get back to the Labyrinth.

He remembered a small coffee shop a couple blocks down from his mom's apartment. They'd used to go to it every Sunday morning, before Gabe woke up. She'd order a Cappuccino and he'd get a Chai tea and a cinnamon bun. But there was something else, now that he thought about.

The small blue Delta on the baby changing station in the single, unisex bathroom the shop had, right under the picture of the smiling koala.

Maybe Sally Jackson had taken him there for a reason.

Percy's feet retraced the familiar steps to the shop. It was exactly the same. He almost felt as though, somewhere, an excited little boy was pulling his mother inside, mouth watering.

The bell chimed softly as he made his way into the packed coffee place. Suppressing his urge to buy a pastry, for old times sake, he walked across the amber colored carpet, past the comfy couches and chairs, to the back area. It was separated by long strings of beads hanging down from the ceiling, a small chair outside the door of the restroom.

Unfortunately for Percy's hurried agenda, the bathroom was occupied. Finally, after a good ten minutes of waiting, a tall woman bustled out. She was wearing a magenta cost that went down to the floor, made of a corduroy-esq material. Her dark hair was swirled into an elegant bun at the nape of her neck. Her heels-which were far too tall-clicked as she walked away.

Not even giving her a second thought, Percy quickly entered the bathroom. However, as he turned to close the door, he found someone's dark eyes meet his own, ever-changing, ones.

It was the woman.

Her near-black eyes flashed an unnatural red and her lips parted, revealing two sharp fangs.

And then the door snapped shut before the son of Hera could do anything, a click letting him know he was somehow locked in--despite the door not having a lock. Whatever that monster was, she'd trapped him.

Turning to the small changing station, Percy prepared to open the door the the maze. He placed his palm on the symbol and a small passage opened within seconds. It was simple, he'd just go in there and get his friends.

Ha! When had a demigod's life ever been simple.

Finding his friends in a maze that quite actually stretched across the country, sure, that was likely. And if that wasn't enough, now he had that weird vampire demon thing to worry about.

Percy was torn; should he find a way out and follow the monster? Or forget about it and enter the Labyrinth to find his friends?

A tortured scream from outside the bathroom made up his mind for him.

Pulling out Riptide, he clicked it and immediately began to hack away at the door. Unfortunately, it was quite a thick door. The hardened plastic wasn't budging. With an aggravated yell, he swung the bronze blade in total desperation. This final stroke hit the doorknob with a crack, but it was all to no avail.

He was still trapped in the bathroom.

Banging his head against the wall he suddenly stumbled forward as the door swung open.

His glee at getting out, however, was short lived. His eyes took in the carnage of the coffee shop from his youth.

The entire place was up in flames, all an ominous red color as if Percy were in the pits of Hades itself. Several mortals were strewn about the floor, dead. The barista was up against the wall, the monster from before... whispering? in his ear. No--not whispering...

She was sucking his blood.

Her eyes gleamed once more a crazy shade of red as she glowed with otherworldly power.

"Perseus Jackson," She hissed, showing her blood-soaked fangs, "I've been waiting for you, as has my master. She will be extremely pleased."

With an inhuman speed, she darted over and slashed the back of his neck.

And then everything went black.

A/N: Hey all! It's just Peeves here for this chapter, sorry it's a little late.

Marri got her tech all taken away so I wrote this one myself--sorry if it's not up to par.

There may not be another chapter 'till Marri gets her phone and laptop back, but hopefully she will soon.

Love you all, and hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day--single or not! I'll be all of your valentines!

Signing off for now,
Just Peeves : /

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