Chapter XVI

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Chapter XVI: 3rd PoV
As all others around him danced wildly to the ever changing music, Percy searched for a place of solitude and quiet. He found himself wandering back into the throne room.

Sitting by the fire in the center was Tia, and she was consoling...the goddess Hera? The queen was sobbing uncontrollably into Tia's shoulder as she whispered regrets indiscernible to Percy.

Feeling as though he was intruding on something private, the teen quickly backed up. Before he could completely leave the room, however, he was spotted by Tia.

"Come Perseus." She waved him over, still rubbing Hera's back soothingly. "I think it's time you knew the truth."

At the sound of his name, the queen of the gods stiffened. Her ever-changing eyes, still welled with tears, met his own and she seemed to compose herself.

And so, Percy found himself kneeling down on the floor next to two of the most powerful goddesses that were alive. Hestia was the first to speak. "Percy, Sally Jackson isn't your real mother."

Confused, The fourteen year old settled into a more comfortable position, having a sinking feeling he'd be there for a while.

"Earth to Percy!" Katie snapped her fingers in front of her friends eyes, "Are you okay? You were totally spacing out there."

It had been a few weeks since the quest. Percy hadn't told a soul about his mother, he was still mad at her anyway. Why would she wait so long to tell him, why not visit him in a dream? Still, she seemed to genuinely care about his happiness and wellbeing, and he couldn't say the same for many others.

Since returning Zeus's bolt, he'd been the object of many campers' attention. The unclaimed kids looked up to him, which was nice, but Percy felt as though they were misplacing their trust. Everyone seemed to know his name, but he honestly felt himself wishing for simpler times. Times before Lou, Ellen, and Zoë had died. Times before 'Thalia' had revealed who she really was. When he was just a forgotten, unclaimed demigod.

He still didn't like the gods, and was dreading the day he have to save the group of immortals he didn't even like. Except Tia, Artemis, and Hera, on a good day. But he didn't tell Katie that, she had enough on her plate, and she hadn't slept in days. She was afraid of the dreams.

"Sorry, I was just thinking," Percy apologized hurriedly, "What were you saying?"

She waved him off, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, I have to go to archery, see you at dinner."

As soon as she was out of sight, Percy went right back to daydreaming. That is, until he saw a flash of silver in the forest. Curious, he got up and walked into the trees. It was a snake, gorgeously metallic in color.

It slithered on the ground, with Percy following. It finally stopped in a clearing by the lake and Percy reached forward to get a closer look.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," A familiar voice warned. The son of Hera turned and looked at the speaker.

"Lou Ellen?" He stepped closer to embrace her, before she put her hand up in a stop gesture. "Not one more move Jackson, or I sent this highly poisonous snake to bite you."

Percy was confused, "How are you alive, are you alright?"

She shook her head in disappointment, "You honestly haven't figured it out yet? You listened to the prophecy didn't you! But this has been enough idle chitchat, you have something I need."

Percy still didn't get it. The prophecy? Then it hit him. A death and a falsity....falsity. Lou had betrayed them. She was the spy. She was working for Kronus.

"Took you long enough, feather brain. Now I need the bottle in your pocket,"

Percy subconsciously glanced at the liquid flower in his pocket, he had no idea what it was for, but if Kronus wanted it then it couldn't be good.

"I would've picked it myself, but it can only be taken by one with a true heart. It's a rather special thing, it has that ability to return anything to its original state. And I will use it to return Kronus to full power, rather than the rather...uncomfortable alternative."

And then Percy remembered something. There was one other line in the prophecy he hadn't understood. An object surfaces to save one not yet a friend. It was referring to the vial in his pocket. He would use it to save one not a friend....Thalia Grace! It had to be her.

"The bottle Perce," Lou firmly reminded him. "I need it. Unfortunately only the person who picked it and hold it unless given to another. So hand it over. You can join us! I know you hate the gods as much as our entire army. We can be a family."

That was all Percy wanted, his own family. But family didn't stab each other in the back. Family didn't lie about the important things. Lou Ellen was no longer family.

"No, you aren't family Lou. Good luck with yours. Because I think you'll find what one you've chosen to be quite violent."

Lou's eyebrows rose, but her eyes showed her disappointment and fear. "Your loss....Loss of life, and I mean it quite literally."

She snapped her fingers and the silver reptile that had remained still until then lunged. Percy barely had a moment to step to the side before he felt the searing pain. The beast had still managed to bite him. Percy staggered to the waters edge, hoping a friendly nymph or creature would get to him before the poison did.

A/N: Hey all! We have a new obsession.... There's a million things this guy hasn't done


ACK, it's just so good!!! That's pretty much it, hope you like this new chapter. Percy knows his heritage now. Stay awesome peeps : )

Signing off for now,
              Peeves and Marri

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