Chapter VI

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Chapter VI: 3rd PoV
The Hermes cabin had only one bed left. Way in the back, crushed behind two others. It was a struggle to get to, but Percy was lucky to have one at all. Any kids coming after him would just have to make do with a stolen sleeping bag and the floor.

Next to him, a boy was lying on his bed, playing with a deck of cards. "Undetermined?" He asked.

Percy nodded. "You?" The boy pushed his chestnut hair out of his eyes before replying to the son of Hera. "Nope. Louis Smith at your service. But I like my friends to call me Lou. I'm a son of Hecate, the goddess of magic, and being absent from my life, among other things."

There was a sad look in his eyes, a look that Percy had seen throughout the Hermes cabin. He hadn't yet figured out what the look meant, but it obviously wasn't good.

"If your not a son of Hermes then why aren't you-"

"-In a different cabin?" Lou finished, "Its because there are only twelve cabins. For the twelve Olympian gods. The rest of us, unimportant. Just tools, only seen as humans when were needed by the gods."

Bitterness. Percy realized. Bitterness and the feeling of being unwanted. That's what the others were feeling. He felt angry at the gods. Who were they to be all high and mighty?

"I'll do something about this!" Percy vowed. "One day, I'll fix this." Lou just smiled at the kid. The fake smile that a parent gives a child who says they're gong to be a dinosaur when they grow up.

Sure you will kid, whatever you say.

Line break

Three years later, as nine year old Percy looked at the two demigods lying in the infirmary, he remembered his vow. The gods should've saved Thalia Grace. Now all that was left of her was a pine tree and her two best friends.

His own friends Katie and Lou were waiting for him at the Hermes table. Lou had turned out to be a great friend, and a person you could rely on. Katie was a real sweetheart. She had came to camp with her sister Miranda during Percy's second year.

Percy pushed his food around his plate.  "What's wrong Perce?" Katie asked. "Oh nothing, it's just-never mind." He took a sip of his blue tea. His mom and him had gone out of their way to eat and buy blue food ever since Gabe said there was no such thing.

"Seriously Percy, what is it?" Katie asked again. He sighed. "This is almost your third year and you still haven't been claimed. And whenever a new camper arrives they take forever to get claimed. I made a promise that one day I'd fix how messed up the gods were, but honestly I have no idea how to."

Katie smiled. This boy was truly one of a kind. Who else would worry about their friends being claimed even though they hadn't been yet. When she arrived at camp, just a little seven year old, she had felt drawn to him. The friendships he had were the kind that would never be broken.

"It doesn't really matter whether I'm claimed or not Perce. Besides, if I was I wouldn't be able to sit with you anymore. And don't worry, we'll find a way to fix everything."

"I just want us all to be a family. And family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten. And right now, us demigods, we've been forgotten."

Katie smirked at him. "Did you just quote Lilo and Stitch?" He sighed exasperatedly.

"Really Kate? That whole speech and the only thing you got out of it was that I quoted a Disney movie!"

She shrugged and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm really tired from capture the flag yesterday." He looked at her like she was crazy. "Katie you spent most of the game just sitting there because Sam put you on scout duty and you were captured."

She nodded her head emphatically. "I know, and it was exhausting! Just ask Lou." They both turned to the son of Hecate, who was spaced out with a sad look of his face.

"Lou?" His head snapped over to them. "Yeah, totally, what Katie said." It was all in the same flat tone.

"Lou what's wrong?" Percy felt guilty, this whole time Katie was worrying about his problems when their friend obviously needed their help.

"I got a letter from my dad today. I have a sister. She was born a couple years after me. A sister! And I never knew! She grew up her whole life without me, I was never there for her first monster, or her first magic trick. But she's coming in a few weeks and I-Do you think she'll like me?"

The other two spent the rest of the meal convincing him that he would be a great brother. They both knew he would be, he was like a sibling to them already. He was quite mature for age twelve, and Katie and Percy could always count on him.

"So what's her name?" Was the last thing that Katie asked.

"Ellen." He replied. "After my paternal grandmother."

"That's a nice name. Has a good ring to it. It works well with yours too don't you think? Lou and Ellen Smith."

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