Chapter XXII

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Chapter XXII: 3rd PoV
Katie and Nico weren't having the best day.

They'd been fighting with each other and trekking through the Labyrinth the entire morning. It didn't help that half of their quest members were gods know where. Both of them liked each other, but they tended to get on the others nerves, especially when Percy wasn't around.

"Left," Katie muttered halfheartedly, praying her friend would just agree with her so they could keep moving. Nico shrugged lightly and the two of them went down the left path.

Both didn't really pay much attention to where they were headed, their eyes were captivated by the walls. Tapestries, with threads of all different colors, were hung up on the red stone. They depicted all sorts of things: births, deaths, animals, trees, more trees.... there were lots of trees. Oh! There was a new one. It was a green thing of some sort. A blob with-were those leaves? Could it be-Yep, a tree.

It was simply enthralling.

Still, they provided a break from the endless dirt floor. Katie and Nico didn't even look ahead of them until they crashed into a door.

The elaborate wooden frame looked out of place. And the bright shade of orange--radical carrot to be exact--clashed awfully with the walls around it.

Giving an ah, fuck it shrug, Nico pushed the door open with an audible creak. The two entered the room. It was completely dark. Nico couldn't've seen his hand if it had been directly in front of him. He fumbled blindly for Katie's arm, just to make sure she was still there.

Suddenly, and without warning, harsh white lights flickered on, momentarily blinding the two questers. When the spots stopped flashing in front of their eyes, a monster stood before them.

It was unmistakable, she was the Sphinx. Half lion, half woman; truly a terrifying sight. She was lounging around in a lazy fashion, but her emerald eyes were attentive and intelligent. Next to her was a menacing looking machine.

It was a bright silver color. Hundreds of dials, all blood red, were beeping and flashing, several slots looked as though they could kill you in seconds, and suspicious white smog was pouring out of several orifices. Though as to which ones, neither couldn't tell. Katie couldn't tell which she was dreading to face more: the machine or the monster.

"Wellllllcome!" The Sphinx projected in her best announcer voice, "Are you ready for Answer That Riddle?"

She paused as a small, pitiful applause track played. On the machine, a small screen displayed the phrase 'Low quality effects, -10 Viewers' in a blocky font, maybe Agency FB.

"Goooooood!" The Sphinx announced in a surprisingly perky voice, completely unphased by the cynical machine, "Our first contestant is one of these two fine halfbloods here! If they manage to answer fifty questions correctly, they can go through. If not," Her lion tail swished and she flashed them a toothy grin, "You both die."

'Dramatic pause for affect, +30 Viewers' The machine beeped out.

"I'm sorry, fifty questions?" Katie spluttered, "What happened to the old riddle."

"Oh, that old thing?" The Sphinx waved a paw airily, "Old news. We haven't used that since," Her face darkened, "The death of my father."

'Suddenly, it's her life story, -18.65 Viewers,' At this point, Nico was just paying attention the device's snappy reports.

"Orthus," Katie recalled, "Cerberus' brother, a two-headed dog. He guarded the sacred cows of Apollo."

'Holy cows, +1.45 Viewers.'

"Heracles killed him, right?" The daughter of Demeter concluded. She'd spent a lot of her time at camp studying mythology, you never know when you're going to encounter an ancient beast.

"Yes. He was the one who made that original riddle. It was awful, and once he was gone I could finally rid myself of it for good. I've expanded now,"

'Suuure, expanded. If this crap is expanded I dread to think of what it was before, +3 Viewers.' Nico stifled a laugh.

"I'm onto bigger and better things. A fifty question test on paper, only #2 pencils, please."

'Not enough brand promotion, -2 Viewers.'

"I didn't mind the old riddle," Nico stated honestly, though it was mostly just to see the machine's reaction.

He wasn't disappointed.

'Did anyone ask for your opinion, unimportant side character, +29 Viewers.'

While Nico chuckled behind her, Katie kept trying to dissuade the Sphinx from making her take any sort of test, "Are you sure? I really don't wanna."

"You sound like a kid," Nico commented lightly. He was just fishing for reactions at this point.

'Hush child, the adults are talking, -6 Viewers.'

"Living for your comments though, Machine."

'Flattery will get you.....everywhere, +27 Viewers.'

"Just shut up and take the test already!" The Sphinx wailed, "I'm losing viewers."

'That was a blatant lie, I approve, +4 Viewers.'

Katie took a deep breath, her eyes darting back and forth; she was looking for a way out. Sighing in resignation, she hesitantly voiced her agreement, "Alright I'll take i-"

She was cut off by the discordant sound of metal on metal as Nico unsheathed his sword. The Stygian iron blade glinted dangerously in the bright light, "Nah."

"I'm sorry, what?" Katie looked confused, but still relived, "Are you trying to kill us?"

Nico ignored her, "Class dismissed, bitch," And with a quick jab, the Sphinx dissolved into shimmering gold powder.

'Clever one liner, +5 Viewers.'

"Okay cool, let's go." Nico wiped some stray dust particles of his blade and sheathed it.

Katie looked at her friend disbelievingly, "Are you an idiot? That was so reckless! You could've been killed," Her shrill tone hurt Nico's ears, but he knew she was right. It was kinda foolish of him. But in his defense, everything had turned out fine.

She let out a disappointed sigh, "Let's just go before something else decides to attack us."

'Too late ya little shits, +9001 Viewers.'

A/N: Happy new year guys!! New year, same me.

Hope you're all enjoying the story, we're having so much fun writing it.

Much love,
Peeves and Marri

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