Chapter VII

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Chapter VII: 3rd PoV
"I'd like to introduce two new campers. Luke Castellan and Annabeth Chase." Chiron announced. "This is also a reminder that there is a capture the flag game next Friday, the Hermes Cabin presently holds the laurels."

Percy had proved himself to be an exceptional swordsman, unfortunately no one knew. Josh, the only person who knew about Anaklusmos had died on the quest his father had sent him on, with Samuel Steal replacing him as the head councilor.

In order to stay under the radar of everyone at camp Percy always practiced with his sword alone. When fighting he used Anaklusmos, but fought badly on purpose. The brunet son of Hera couldn't have anyone connecting the dots to him possibly being the prophecy child.

He had only told Katie and Lou, leaving out nothing. They knew the danger he could face if he was claimed as a son of the big three. But Thalia Grace, she could be the prophecy child. Then Percy would be safe. And that was all his friends wanted, for all of them to be safe. Unfortunately, Thalia Grave was currently a towering pine, and that was a fact that didn't seem like it was going to change any time soon.

Sadly, the peaceful time couldn't last. A war was brewing, and the three had a sinking suspicion that they would be caught in the middle of it.

Line Break

When Lou's sister finally arrived almost a year later, she was nothing like they expected. They had though she would be a shy, quiet, sweet little girl. Instead, and much to Lou's delight, they were met with a strong, loud, reliable, ten year old.

Ellen quickly joined their group and the four of them were known to be found hanging out by the tree that had come to be known as Thalia's Pine.

No one ever messed with them, not even the cocky Ares kids. And it was because of Percy. Everyone who met the kid was unconsciously drawn to him. Of course, none of them knew who he was. Maybe the Ares kids just stayed away because they didn't realize the group was a thing.

They had made promises to stick together through thick and thin, and they intended to keep them. It helped that none of them were claimed so they could all sit together.

Lou and Ellen had a tradition where every Thursday they would leave camp and go get ice cream. Since they were 'unclaimed' nobody really cared if they left.

On one such Thursday, Katie and Percy were playing cards by Thalia's Tree.

"Got any threes?" Katie asked exasperatedly. They had been playing Go Fish for over an hour despite her pleas otherwise.

Percy sighed and handed over a pair of threes. He opened his mouth to ask her if she had a King, but a voice whispered,

"Just see me! I'm right here, talk to me. Hear me! Please."

They jumped up and looked around for the source of the sound, but saw nothing.

Katie met Percy's eyes, her own shining with wonder. "Can you sense it? It's coming from the tree!" She ran over to the huge pine tree that protected camp.

"Can you hear me? Mr. Tree?"

An odd coughing sound came from the tree. It was like wind rushing through leaves. The tree was laughing.

"That's Miss Tree to you Missy. How can you two hear me? No one else can."

It sounded sad. Katie's face also looked sad. "Percy," she said urgently. "We have to help her!"

Help a tree? That made lots of sense. But Percy couldn't resist the unclaimed girl's puppy stare. He sighed. "Alright Katie Kat. What do we do?"

Sometimes he forgot they were the same age. She was quite small for her age.

"Well first we ask its name dummy!" Katie said it as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Excuse me, Miss Tree, do you have a name?"

"My name is Thalia Grace. I'm sure you recognize this as my tree. Just please talk to me. I've only been in here a year and I'm bored out of my mind! I'd even play Go Fish."

The other two shared a glance. "Funny you should mention that game-"

The son of Hera stopped talking as he saw the glowing light hovering above Katie's hair.


Fear gripped Percy. She was going to leave him.

"All hail Katie Gardner, daughter of Demeter."

Line Break

She tried, she really did. It was hard staying in touch with your friends when actual family demanded your every waking moment.

She just didn't have the time to spend with Lou or Ellen. Or Percy...

He was her best friend.


She watched in sadness as their group disbanded. The only campers who were still left to remember when they had been friends were Annabeth, Luke, and her sister Miranda. And she would bet a Pegasus that Luke and Annabeth didn't know any of their names. Well, maybe they would recognize hers, she had been claimed after all.

A family once so close was now torn apart.

Katie spent all of her time with her cabin now, she just didn't have time for anything else.

Lou wanted to learn magic. Why waste time with kids years younger than him anyway. Why should the three of them remain friends without Katie.

Ellen spent her days training. Her brother acted like she didn't exist now.

Percy spent his days aimlessly wandering through the woods or talking to Thalia the tree.

But it wasn't the same. He missed his family.

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