Chapter XXIV

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Chapter XXIV: 3rd PoV
She let out a disappointed sigh, "Let's just go before something else decides to attack us."

'Too late ya little shits, +9001 Viewers.'

"It's over nine thousand," Nico exclaimed loudly.

"This isn't even his final form yet...." Katie replied out of the corner of her mouth.

'Outdated references, -7 Viewers; +42 Fangirls.'

And with that final update, a loud mechanical whirring filled the air, and the smoke from before made Nico and Katie's vision cloudy.

The sound stopped, and they were left in the thick smog. Unable to see anything, the two stood completely still. When it finally cleared, the room was empty; no machine in sight.

Suddenly, a loud drumroll sounded.

"Laaaaaaaadies, gentlemen, and others, are you ready for the event of a lifetime?" A smooth robotic voice rang out, "Because this show is on the road!"

Out of nowhere, a huge automaton dropped onto the floor, leaving a sizable crack on the white tile floor. The robot was made of the same silver material as the sassy machine from before, and presumably was the same. Though now it was in a much more unorthodox form.

Bright red boots shone on the automaton's legs, complementing the bright red cape that trailed behind it. A skin-or rather metal-tight catsuit covered the rest of it's metal body. It's face was a simpering smile, carved with extreme precision.

"Playtime's over darlings," The robot drawled, adopting a Georgian accent, so that darlings sounded more like dahlings, "The ratings are higher than ever, and I plan on making this episode a doozy. Sorry, but I don't think you two are cut out for reality life. And I don't plan on sharing the spotlight."

The robot flicked a switch and two buzzing Celestial Bronze saw blades emerged from the top of its red gloves.

"Now this may hurt a bit..."

Katie gave Nico a look that somehow portrayed both gloating, and absolute horror. 'I was right!' It seemed to say, 'I was right and-hOLY STYX WE'RE DOOMED!'.

"I know, I know," Nico sighed as the two slowly backed up from the robot, next time I'll listen to you."

"Nico, there may not be a next time," Katie whimpered, her eyes sparkling. It had finally sunk in that the two were facing a murderous robot, a foe they might not be able to defeat. Katie drew her small dagger--so inefficient for fighting that she might as well have been attacking with an overgrown weed cutter--and pushed Nico behind her, "HEY METALFACE! OVERHERE!" Though her eyes were terrified,she would not let anything happen to Nico; he was too young.

Nico watched, transfixed, completely unable to move and help his friend-his best friend. Well, pretty much his best friend. Aside from Percy and Thalia--who were out of the picture at the moment--Katie was all he had. Bianca had left him, his own sister had abandoned him to join a group of girls that hated men. By default, his sister hated him, she had to hate him. And bit by bit, he was afraid he was beginning to hate her back. He didn't need Bianca, he didn't need a sister. Katie was like his sister, Thalia was like his sister, and Percy... he needed Percy as well.

But still he stood, not able to move even a muscle, as Katie fought tooth and nail to keep them both alive. She may have been the daughter of a mainly peaceful goddess, but she fought like a raging demon. It made Nico think of the story of Persephone... his step-mother. When Hades, Nico's father, kidnapped her (a bit of history that Hades was quick to gloss over whenever it was brought up) Demeter had plunged the world into an icy winter.

The goddess had basically traveled to the ends of the earth, gone to the extremist of extremes, to find her daughter. Katie was doing the same to protect him, the golden apple really didn't fall far from the proverbial tree.

Now that he thought about it, Katie was his aunt from Persephone's side (not that that really counted), and his cousin from his father's. Ew. The family tree of the gods was not a fun one to map out. Marrying siblings, having children with your parents, sometimes even with your grandparents. Technically, all the demigods were related, though no one dwelled on it much. As long as you didn't have the same godly or mortal parent, you were good.

Thalia was his cousin. So was Percy, now that he thought about it. But, like he'd said before, it didn't really matter.

A loud scream drew his attention back to his friend. He couldn't see Katie anymore-she must've been behind a pillar... or the killer robot-but her terrified shrieks were enough to clue him in that something was wrong.

"Katie?" He cried worriedly, but her wasn't the only one. Thalia Grace-an absolutely devastated look on her face-ran into the room. Her combat boots clicked on the floor as she quickly closed the distance between her and the automaton.

"Oh no you don't! I've had enough of robots today. No one else will die today!"

No one else?

Nico wasn't sure what she was talking about, but her red-rimmed eyes didn't really help to calm his already frayed nerves.

With three concise blows, Thalia successfully diverted the monsters attention from Katie-a good thing-and onto her-a not as good thing.

Thalia's mind was racing. What should she do? What could she do? Unfortunately half of her mind was preoccupied with Percy. His disappearance after the mass explosion... and the fact that she'd kissed him.

She really wished there'd been better circumstances for that. You know; something not followed by his immediate blasting into the sky.

Because he wasn't dead.

He couldn't be.

They'd only just gotten to know each other, he couldn't be ripped from her life then. Not when there was hope of their friendship turning into something more.

And so, filled to the brim with determination, she charged at the robot.

A/N: Hey y'all. Sorry that it's been awhile since we've posted a chapter. But honestly, it's been a hard week for both of us-for everyone really.

RIP to David Bowie and Alan Rickman, two brilliant individuals who passed away far too early. Both were only 69. Our hearts goes out to their families- and to any of you having a hard time with life.

And always remember, as Albus Dumbledore put it, "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light."

We both love you all so so much. Stay strong, and we hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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