Chapter XIX

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Chapter XIX: 3rd PoV
As Nico traveled back to camp having just finished his latest mission for his father that only thing he wanted was sleep. That last thing he wanted was to end up in the middle of the Aphrodite cabin.

Unfortunately, the fates didn't seem to care about his wishes, and he found himself surrounded by a color coordinated, designer brand, and annoyingly bright array of clothing and furniture.

Baby blue bunk beds covered the walls, with light pink cubbies in between each. The floor was light wood, with grey walls. For all the stereotypes Nico had been exposed to, it honestly wasn't that bad. The yellow curtains filtered sunlight in, giving the space a warm glow. It felt homey, lovable even.

And smack in the center, sitting crosslegged on a white shag carpet, sat his close friend Katie Gardner. She was chatting with the cabin's head councilor, Silena Beauregard, along with a few other campers.

They were squealing happily together while eating Bon bons, curtesy of Silena, who's father ran a candy shop.

"And then," Katie was saying excitedly, "She called him handsome!"

They all erupted into fits of giggles. "I ship it!" Called a young girl wearing pigtails.

"I bet eight drachmas that they'll get together before the war!" Silena called out.

"I'll take you up on that," A gruff voice answered, and Nico was fairly surprised to see Clarisse LaRue, the Ares cabin's head councilor.

A little bit ago, Silena had helped the roguish Ares girl get together with her longtime friend Chris Rodriguez, a Hermes camper, they'd been close ever since.

Personally, Nico didn't mind Clarisse. She was mellow, for a daughter of Ares. Prideful, yes. And quite skilled. But more inclined to fight when necessary rather than always.

It was almost as if she'd gained a different side of her father. Then again, she was the only female Ares camper, so maybe it just because of her gender.

"There's no way they'll realize their feelings before he turns sixteen!"

Nico sighed deeply, this is why he had just wanted to sneak into the big house and hole up there until his father needed him again.

"You all need to butt out of everyone's lives," He said calmly.

The girls in the cabin, however, were anything but calm, "Nico! You're back."

He was accosted by Katie, who ran over and hugged him tightly, knocking the wind out of him.

"I ship it..." One girl whispered quietly.

Not possible, Nico thought ruefully.

"Nah," Silena said slyly, her gaydar ringing like crazy. "It's a Notp."

"A Brotp at least!"

"Hmm," she conceded to her sister's point with a slight inclination of her head. "I see many ships in this ones future. But let's not forget, he's eleven."

Nico just rolled his eyes, not fully understanding the meanings of the things the girls were all saying.

He turned around quickly as the cabin door opened with a bang, causing everyone to jump. A new girl walked in the cabin, eyeing everyone critically. She brought with her the distinct odor of cinnamon.

"Tammi, Janice, get my coat." She snapped her fingers at each name. Two young campers stood, seemingly transfixed, and got her coat, brushing off all the dirt.

The newcomer then collapsed dramatically onto her blue comforter and kicked her leg in the air, leaving the other two to remove her four inch heels.

"Drew!" Silena admonished sternly, "You have a god-given power, literally, don't misuse it. Charm speak is a rare gift."

Drew sat up, raising one sculpted eyebrow menacingly, causing her lackeys to scurry away. "Try and stop me," She spat ferociously.

Nico and Katie exchanged looks, sensing a fight, "It's been a nice visit!" They chorused before backing out slowly, always maintaining eye contact.

"Zigzag pattern if she decides to pursue us," Katie murmured out of the corner of her mouth, causing Nico to let out a chuckle.

As soon as they were in the clear, they turned and high tailed it off to Thalia's tree. There they found the daughter of Zeus herself sitting and arguing animatedly with a certain son of Hera.

"What's up guys?" Katie inserted herself into the conversation.

"Not much," Percy shrugged, while Thalia, who was seething silently, violently shook her head.

"Well, aside from the fact that we're in an argument over who's the best of the big six. The only thing we can agree on is that Zeus is the worst."

Katie raised her eyebrows, Thalia's dad being her least favorite. That's something you didn't see, well ever, especially with Zeus' children.

"Well good thing I'm here," Nico interjected, "To teach you younglings about the greatest god, Hades."

"We're older than you, death breath," Thalia commented affectionately, causing the son of Hades to narrow his eyes slightly, "But I am going to back you up on this. Hades is so chill, and he seems like he would be a Green Day fan."

"I love Green Day!" Katie and Nico cried out at the same time, while Percy just shrugged.

"Never heard of them."

That was a mistake. The other three turned to him slowly, in perfect unison, "WHAT!"

"Hehe," Percy chuckled nervously, backing away slowly, "Sorry?"

And with that, the other three practically dragged him to somewhere where they could educate his ears in proper music.

A/N: Hey all. We don't really have much to say, it's just nice to have an author's note that most people will skip over anyway.

But on another note (and because the thought just popped into our heads while I was typing this) we've been thinking about the prophecy of Seven (hopefully the book will continue 'till then) and we've got some of the seven figured out.

I.e. Katie, Percy, Nico, Jason, and Thalia. (Unless we kill off someone)

But we still need two more Romans. Should I include Frank (maybe not Hazel because Bianca's alive...for now)? Make Leo or Piper Roman? Or just use Reyna.

So yeah, who do you guys want to see in the distant future.

Stay awesome,
Peeves and Marri

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